Where is Erbil, in which region? Missile attack on Erbil! In which country is Erbil? Here is the place and location!

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In a statement made by the governor of Erbil to the state news agency, it was stated that a large number of rockets fell on Erbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq. “There were no victims or casualties after the explosions in Erbil,” State Health Minister Saman Barzanji told state television. So where is Erbil?


Erbil is known as the largest city in Iraq. The population of the city is around 1.1 million.
The population consists of Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs, Chaldean and Syriac Christians. Erbil also resembled a small village between the 90s and 2000s. With the start of the Iraq War in 2003, after a long time that affected Erbil oil exports and led to its collapse, in 2005, oil was found again in Erbil and started to be exported.

After the USA withdrew from the region after the Iraq War, the Parliamentary republic from Erbil, Erbil, Duhok, Sulaymaniyah and Halabja provinces united with a federation structure and established the Kurdistan Regional Government on January 30, 2005. After the re-discovery of oil in the region, Erbil’s income rose steadily and rapidly and the city became a city of commerce, shopping and tourism.

Erbil is a commercial and cultural center, a cosmopolitan metropolitan city, as a world-class city that is constantly developing with the countries bordering the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. Also, although the economy of Erbil has historically been based on the oil industry, the city of Erbil has created important income items in the field of tourism and airlines. Erbil has recently attracted a lot of attention from the world with its large-scale construction projects.

The city has become a symbol with its many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, the man-made Divan Erbil hotel, which is an ambitious project, Erbil Rotana, the renewed Erbil Castle, many different shopping centers and the largest shopping centers in the region and the world. Again, with this rising economy, it has attracted a workforce from the world.

At the same time, Erbil occupies an important position in the Middle East in the ranking of the most expensive cities.
