Where is cupping done, what are the benefits of cupping on the face? What is hijama good for?

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Cupping, also known as cupping therapy, is a treatment method that has been used since the Ottoman period. Today, with the development of modern medicine and the use of drug therapy more, it is an application that people apply with the approval of a doctor, although it is not as preferred as before. Cupping is done with glasses, cups or mugs and similar objects specially designed for this process. It is applied by laying the patient on his back and making incisions on the relevant areas and keeping the cup in this area. The area to be applied is determined by the expert in the field according to the area where the patient complains.

What is hijama good for?

This application, which should be done in consultation with the doctor, is an alternative treatment method used in every subject from menstrual irregularities to psychological problems. It is a procedure that must be carried out by the right people approved by the Ministry of Health and in approved centers, otherwise it is likely to harm human health. Hijama is generally used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of pain and strengthening the immune system. However, it is not possible to talk about the diseases or ailments that it is completely good for. We can list the situations where hijama is good as follows:

  • It can strengthen the immune system.
  • It helps to remove toxins accumulated in the body.
  • It regulates blood flow and ensures blood flow in the area.
  • It supports the treatment of chronic diseases such as pain.

Where is hijama done?

Hijama can be applied to everyone except some people with a special condition, which is considered inconvenient to be applied to the upper part of the head or the area called fontanelle and the nape of the neck. At the beginning of these people are those who have anemia and have a pacemaker. It is a procedure that should be avoided by people who have heart failure, organ transplants, expectant mothers, and people with viruses such as HIV or AIDS. For this application, which is carried out in many countries, certain points are treated in order to vary according to the problem experienced or the region complained of. The changing hijama points are as follows:

  • The middle part of the shoulder blades for ailments in organs such as the gallbladder or pancreas
  • The area on the back of the head for psychological and spiritual problems
  • Neck area for dental or eye diseases
  • The area behind the ear for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases
  • For urological problems or back problems
  • Calf for kidney ailments or psoriasis and similar diseases
  • In case of menstrual irregularities or for the prostate, apply to the coccyx.

Cupping points on the leg are the inner and outer parts of the ankle, the inner and outer parts of the knees, the sides of the hips and the calves. The benefits of leg cupping and the ailments known to be good are as follows:

It can play a supportive role in the treatment of mental and psychological problems with the operation on the head cupping points. The benefits of hijama on the head are aimed at the treatment of conditions such as earache, dizziness, headache, wounds in the mouth, psoriasis and eczema-like disorders on the scalp, gum disorders, hair loss. Apart from this, hijama treatment can also be done on the arms and face. If the cupping applied to the face is done by experts and in a sterile environment, it is beneficial for the person. The benefits of hijama on the face are as follows:

  • It removes facial edema.
  • It opens the pores.
  • Relieves chronic bloating.
  • Refreshes and moisturizes the skin.
  • It reduces wrinkles.
  • It gives color to the skin.

Shoulder area was determined as arm cupping points. With the application made here, it is aimed to get rid of calcification in the neck, neck hernia, rheumatic pains, lung problems, blood pressure problems.
