What should be the normal body temperature? What should be the fever in adults? What is high fever?

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The human body keeps its internal temperature under control by maintaining a state of balance called homeostasis. Regulation of body temperature occurs through a process called thermoregulation. This process is achieved through the cooperation of a number of organs and tissues such as the brain, skin, blood vessels and sweat glands. An increase in body temperature may indicate that the body temperature has increased due to factors such as hostile elements, infections or excessive exercise. While sweating helps cool the skin, the expansion of blood vessels also contributes to the removal of heat. This is a response to normalize body temperature. On the contrary, a decrease in body temperature may occur in situations of environmental cold, hunger or disease. In this case, the body tries to maintain its temperature through mechanisms such as shivering and constriction of blood vessels. Additionally, increasing the metabolic rate may be a response to increasing body temperature.

What should be the normal body temperature?

Normal body temperature can vary depending on a person’s age, gender, activity level and time of day. However, the generally accepted normal body temperature range is 36.1°C to 37.2°C. Human body temperature in adults should be:

  • Body temperature measured orally: 36.1°C to 37.2°C
  • Body temperature measured from the armpit: 35.6°C to 36.7°C
  • Rectally measured body temperature: 37.5°C to 38°C

Body temperature can change throughout the day. It is usually lower in the morning and higher in the evening. Additionally, physical activity, stress and hot weather can raise body temperature. If the body temperature is above 37.8°C, you have a fever. Fever may be a symptom of infection. However, fever is not always a sign of infection. For example, hot weather, exercise, or some medications can also cause fever.

What should be the normal temperature?

Under normal conditions, human body temperature is between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees. However, fever refers to a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal. Fever is generally considered a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above. “How many degrees is the high fever?” For the question, the degree of fever can vary from mild to high:

  1. Mild Fever (38-38.9 °C): It is often called a low-grade fever and can often be a sign of an infection or disease.
  2. Medium Fever (39-39.9 °C): It is a higher degree of fever and can often indicate increased severity of an infection or other health problem.
  3. High Fever (40 °C and above): It is a serious fever and may require immediate medical attention. This condition can occur due to many infections or other health problems in the body.

Fever usually occurs as a response of the body’s immune system. Infections, inflammation, or other illnesses can raise body temperature. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of the fever and provide appropriate treatment.

How does fire start?

Fever is when the body’s internal temperature is higher than normal. normal body temperature
The generally accepted normal body temperature range for is 36.1°C to 37.2°C. If the body temperature is above 37.8°C, you have a fever. Fever is often a sign that the body is fighting an infection. Infection can be caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. These microorganisms stimulate the body’s immune system and raise body temperature. In addition to infection, fever can also occur for the following reasons:

  • Vaccination
  • Other drugs
  • some types of cancer
  • Some rheumatic diseases
  • thyroid diseases
  • thyroid diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • kidney diseases
  • liver diseases
  • Cancer
  • Stress
  • Hot weather
  • Exercise

Fever may occur due to many changes in the body. A fever usually means that the body is fighting something. Symptoms of fever may vary depending on the cause of the fever. However, people with fever usually experience the following symptoms:

  • Shake
  • cold
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Tiredness

It is important to seek immediate medical attention if a high fever is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Neck pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • sensitivity to light
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • having a seizure

These symptoms could be a sign of meningitis or another serious condition.

How to reduce fever in adults?

Some methods can be used to reduce fever in adults. However, a method must be applied after the cause of the fever is learned. However, in general, fever can cause dehydration in the body. Therefore, it is important for people with fever to drink plenty of fluids. Liquids such as water, fruit juice or soup may be preferred. Fever consumes the body’s energy. Therefore, it is important for people with fever to rest in a comfortable environment.

You can take a warm bath or shower to reduce your fever. A warm bath or shower can help lower the body’s temperature. When taking a bath or shower, the temperature of the water should not exceed 38°C. If your fever is above 38°C or persists for more than three days, it is important to see a doctor.

How to reduce fever in babies?

Fever in babies is considered high fever if it is above 38°C when measured orally, over 37.7°C when measured under the armpit, or above 38.2°C when measured rectally. A careful and attentive approach is required to reduce fever in babies. Fever can often be a symptom of an infection in the body, so lowering the baby’s fever should only be done to relieve symptoms and provide relief. Fever in babies can be reduced by the following methods:

  • Prevent dehydration by giving fluids such as breast milk, water or apple juice.
  • Place the baby in a bed at room temperature and cover him/her lightly.
  • A warm bath or shower can help lower the body’s temperature.
  • If the baby has a high fever or other symptoms along with the fever, it is important to contact a healthcare professional right away.
  • It is important not to overdress the baby and to keep him/her at a suitable temperature with light clothing.
  • Antipyretic drugs for babies should be used in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation and dosage.

It is important to contact a healthcare professional to determine the cause of fever in infants and receive appropriate treatment. It is always important to consult a doctor before using fever-reducing methods, especially on babies six months old or younger.
