What is under eye mesotherapy, how is it done? What does under-eye mesotherapy do, to whom is it applied?

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Under-eye mesotherapy is applied to eliminate the wrinkled appearance around the eyes and to show an anti-aging effect. Thanks to under-eye mesotherapy, which is a non-surgical treatment method, the skin is renewed and blood circulation can be accelerated. With the under-eye mesotherapy application, the eye area can have a tighter, healthier and brighter appearance. Hyaluronic acid, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids are injected under the eyes and the skin’s needs are met.

What is under eye mesotherapy?

The operation performed with micro needles without surgery to make the eye area look younger is called under-eye mesotherapy. There are many components such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and peptides in the injection materials used during this process. It is a painless and painless procedure as small and thin needles are used.

How is under eye mesotherapy done?

The answer to the question of what is under-eye mesotherapy is highly researched by patients. This application is a treatment method used for patients with problems around the eyes. Under-eye mesotherapy is performed using special small mesotherapy needles. This procedure, which is applied to certain areas around the eyes, is performed at intervals of 1.5-3 cm. Eye mesotherapy, which is applied in a very short time like 15 minutes, must be done by experts in the field.

What does under eye mesotherapy do?

After the question of how to do under-eye mesotherapy, it is also very curious what this procedure does. It can be said that it is an effective treatment especially for eye problems that occur with aging. The advantages of the eye area mesotherapy application are as follows:

  • Under-eye sagging and bags can be eliminated.
  • Under-eye bruises can be removed over time.
  • The tired and aged appearance around the eyes can be eliminated.
  • Over time, wrinkles around the eyes can be prevented.
  • Color changes around the eyes can be resolved in a short time.
  • Fine lines around the eyes may be reduced.

Who is under eye mesotherapy applied to?

Mesotherapy stands out as a treatment for dark circles under the eyes. People who may prefer this treatment are as follows:

  • Patients over the age of 18
  • Women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Those who do not have an infection around the eyes
  • Those who are not allergic to the ingredients in the product
  • Those who have wrinkles, bruising, bags, rings and fine lines under and around the eyes

Side effects of under-eye mesotherapy are complications such as mild swelling, redness and bruising in the application area. Since it is a painless and painless procedure, the person can return to his daily life immediately.
