What is the normal heart rate while sleeping?

What is the normal heart rate while sleeping

When we sleep, the normal heart rate varies from person to person, but in the absence of pathology it is generally slower during sleep than when awake.

The normal heart rate while sleeping varies from person to person, but in the absence of pathology it is slower during sleep than when awake.“, observes from the outset Dr. Fiorella Salerno, cardiologist. For most healthy adults, the heart rate during sleep can be understood between 40 and 60 beats per minute (bpm) and there may even be breaks while sleeping, without it being pathological. However, some people may have a faster or slower heart rate during sleep depending on their medical condition, fitness level, and other individual factors.

During sleep, the body goes through different stages of sleepincluding slow-wave sleep and REM sleep, and heart rate can vary depending on these stages:

Deep sleepwhich generally corresponds to slow-wave sleep, is associated with a lower heart rate,

REM sleep is often accompanied by fluctuations in heart rate.

How to measure your normal heart rate when you sleep?

The best is to measure the heart rate with a watch or a connected bracelet. “Wearable heart rate monitors, such as smart watches or chest straps, are convenient tools (heart rate monitors) for continuously monitoring your heart rate“, explains our interlocutor. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and measurement.

Thanks to Dr Fiorella Salerno, Cardiologist at the Jacques Cartier Private Hospital (Ramsay Santé).
