What is the chemsex we are talking about in the Pierre Palmade affair?

What is the chemsex we are talking about in the

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    On the night of February 10 to 11, Pierre Palmade caused a terrible car accident, killing one person and several victims. Toxicological analyzes revealed that the comedian was driving under the influence of cocaine and the trail of chemsex, even if it is not proven, is advanced. What is chemsex? What are the risks associated with this practice? The answers of Professor Eric Caumes, infectiologist and author of “Sex: the new dangers” published by Bouquins.

    Pierre Palmade is the author of a terrible car accident causing one death and several victims, while driving under the influence of drugs. The day after the tragedy, February 11, the media evoked the comedian’s positive cocaine results and the possible practice of “chemsex”.

    What is chemsex?

    Contraction of two English words, “chemical sex”, chemsex – or “chemical sex” in French – means the taking of narcotics during sexual practices. “Chemsex is the taking of certain products psychotropic during group sex sessions“confirms Professor Eric Caumes, infectious disease specialist and consultant at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris.

    This voluntary taking of psychotropic drugs can concern, according to the definitions, alcohol or cannabis.” adds the doctor. “But it’s more about harder drugs, like cocaine, methamphetamines, MDMA, GHB, GBL….”

    Why this need to take drugs for sex?

    Chemsex is a practice that is found above all in gay circles, much less in the swinging world. ” Chemsex is then used for its disinhibiting, relaxing, euphoric properties but, contrary to popular belief, it does not make you more efficient.“says the infectiologist, who also recalls that this concerns group sexual practice sessions which last several hours, even several days.

    Depending on the products used, the intake will be nasal (sniff), oral, inhaled (smoked drug), intravenously or even rectally (plug).

    What are the risks associated with chemsex?

    Medication side effects also exist for chemsex and they can be severe or life threatening.“explains Professor Caumes. “At the same time, there are the risks associated with the practice of group sex, which are sexually transmitted infections, the risk of which is multiplied by a factor of 3 to 10 for gays who practice it compared to those who do not. not. I therefore recall the importance of safer sex, or sex protected by a condom, which is the most reliable means of prevention against all STIs. Regarding drugs, cardiovascular accidents are possible, not to mention the psychiatric decompensation or addiction that can result from the consumption of these products. he details. According to the infectiologist, these practices cause around ten deaths each year.
