What is tarragon, how is it used? What are the benefits of tarragon?

Some plants can be confused with each other both in terms of their names and appearance. One of the plants that this situation occurs most often is the tarragon plant. It is actually a very well-known plant among the public, but it is thought to be less known because it is known by different names. Tarragon, also known as wormwood, can be used in foods, drinks, and medical materials to treat many diseases or illnesses. However, consuming it unconsciously without consulting a doctor can cause irreversible and serious damage.

What is tarragon?

Tarragon is a plant of the artemisia genus of the daisy family. It grows mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. It can grow up to 1.50 cm in length. The origin of this plant, which grows all over Eurasia, has been determined to be Siberia. In Turkey, it is mostly grown in the Yedigözeler region of Bayburt. It is also called Dagun or green gold. The reason for these names is that its economic return is quite high.

Known to have many benefits for human health, tarragon is also used in the production processes of various products in the cosmetics field. Its nutritional values ​​are quite high and therefore it can be used as a spice in soups, salads and meals. Approximately two grams of dry tarragon contains 5 calories. It also contains the following values:

  • 1 gram of carbohydrates
  • Manganese at 6% of the daily value
  • Potassium at 1% of daily value
  • Iron up to 3% of the daily value

What is tarragon good for?

Tarragon, which is used in various areas, also has various benefits. Its taste is likened to anise and it is often confused with other herbs due to its appearance. Tarragon, which is known to go best with juicy chicken dishes, fish dishes and salads, has a sharp aroma. For this reason, it can also be added to vinegar. Some of the known benefits of tarragon, which can be added to the diet menus of those who want to lose weight by expert dietitians, are as follows:

  • It gives a feeling of fullness for a long time for those who are on a diet.
  • It helps to maintain sleep patterns.
  • It prevents diseases because it has antibacterial properties.
  • It lowers blood sugar.

What are the benefits of tarragon?

Tarragon has benefits, but it can also cause some harm when consumed unconsciously and in large amounts. The likelihood of possible side effects may vary depending on the age of the person, whether they have chronic diseases or their allergic conditions. The most well-known benefits are digestive and sleep problems. If a doctor’s approval is obtained and there is no harm in using it, the following situations can be beneficial for tarragon consumption:

  • It eliminates the problem of insomnia.
  • It prevents diseases.
  • It balances blood sugar.
  • It increases appetite.
  • It reduces pain caused by various diseases.

What is tarragon good for?

Tarragon is a herb that is good for various ailments depending on the form it is used in. Most commonly used for sleep disorders, blood sugar imbalances or digestive problems, here are some of the conditions that tarragon is good for:

  • Digestive problems
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • High blood sugar
  • Low immunity
  • Metabolic sluggishness

Some of the possible side effects of tarragon, which has been found to be good for many issues from irregular sleep to digestion, may be:

  • Skin redness
  • Itching of the skin
  • Debris
  • Difficulty breathing
  • There are various situations that can harm both the baby and the mother for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blood clotting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling

How to use tarragon?

Tarragon is used in many ways. Because it can be consumed both fresh and in its dried form. It can also be prepared and drunk as tea. It is known that when used in meals as a spice, it adds flavor to the food it is added to. Tarragon, which is found in the spice of many cuisines, should definitely be consulted by a doctor before using it or determining the amount to be used if it is to be used. It is known that tarragon goes best with eggs and chicken.

Dried tarragon is also added to grilled chicken or fish. Known to add flavor to green salads by adding a pinch, tarragon is also very easy to prepare as tea. 1-2 spoons of tarragon and a little water are enough to make tarragon tea. The most practical tarragon tea recipe is as follows:


  • 1 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 drops of lemon
  • 1 mint leaf
    How to make:
  • Boil the water.
  • Add tarragon to boiling water and let it brew.
  • After 5 minutes, add lemon and mint leaves to the brewed tea.
  • You can also add some honey to sweeten if desired.

Important note: This content is not medical advice. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical problem. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
