What is penis frostbite? What to do ?

What is penis frostbite What to do

Prince Harry revealed he suffered from frostbitten penis in his book ‘The Substitute’, released in January 2023. What is it? How does it happen? What does it look like ? What are the treatments ? Decryption.

In his book “The Substitute” published on January 10, 2023, lPrince Harry revealed he had frostbite on his penis in 2011 on an arctic expedition. “Coming home, I was horrified to discover that my lower parts had also been bitten by the cold. I had all the warm clothes and protections suitable for temperatures down to -35 degrees, or so I thought. What I didn’t have was a penis guard” he said on the set of the American show “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” of January 11. What are the signs of frostbite on the penis? What dangers? What are the consequences for sexuality? What to do ? “Chilblains on the penis are very rare, there is no scientific literature on the subject.immediately warns Dr. Antoine Faix, urologist surgeon. Frostbite generally affects the extremities (hands, feet) and is linked to an inflammatory reaction of the skin exposed to cold for a long time.

What is penis frostbite?

Frostbite is a inflammatory reaction of the skin linked to prolonged exposure to cold. It is characterized by purplish red lesions and pain in the affected area, in this case here. at the level of the penis of man.

What are the causes of frostbite on the penis?

Intense and prolonged exposure to cold with some ill-fitting clotheswhich compress the skin too much or are too thin can cause frostbite to the penis“explains Dr. Antoine Faix. Indeed, the cold decreases blood circulation and the nerves are no longer vascularized. The penis is not, like the hands or the feet, a part of the body that one can move to warm up. “In general, frostbite to the extremities affect high mountain athletes like mountaineers. Regarding the penis, frostbite must be linked to exposure of the penis to the open air when urinating or if this area is not sufficiently protected from the cold.” supposes the urologist. In the case of Prince Harry,it can be assumed that when it is shipped, the precautions to protect oneself from the cold were insufficient, in any case at the level of the penis. In general, we think of buying equipment adapted to the cold to protect hands and feet (socks, gloves etc) but not necessarily thermal underwear“underlines our interlocutor.

What are the symptoms of chilblains on the penis?

In case of penis frostbite, the skin is weakened, numb, painful and has a red appearance. Burning sensations as well as loss of sensitivity may be associated.

When to worry about frostbite on the penis?

It is necessary to consult as soon as our extremities, penis included, are frozen and signs chilblains (burns, swelling, red appearance) occur.

“In the most serious cases, frostbite can lead to amputation”

What are the consequences of chilblains on the penis? On sexuality?

“If the penis is less vascularized, then she loses sensitivity. Especially if the person does not recover completely, but this is very rare, reassures the urologist. In the most severe cases (no cases have been documented in the scientific literature so far), frostbite to the extremities can give rise to amputation of the affected area.”

What to do in case of frostbite on the penis?

It’s necessary gently warm the areagradually, so as not to subject the penis to a sudden change in temperature in order toavoid vascular problems. In case of significant symptoms, see your doctor doctor or a urologist. “It’s better to take precautions before attempting an expedition where you are confronted with the cold by equipping yourself with adequate equipment to prevent the risk of frostbite“supports the expert.

Thanks to Dr. Antoine Faix, urological surgeon and vice-president of the French Association of Urology.
