What is Othello syndrome, what are its symptoms and treatment? Who gets Othello syndrome?

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Cem Ölmez

Othello syndrome often occurs in romantic relationships and is characterized by symptoms such as hostility towards one’s partner, extreme jealousy, and obsessive suspiciousness. In Othello syndrome, the individual focuses on threats and betrayals that do not actually exist, which negatively affects the quality of the relationship. For a deeper understanding of this condition, Othello syndrome is linked to psychological factors such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and relationship addiction. In addition, the origins of this syndrome are also related to psychological dynamics such as traumatic experiences in the individual’s past, lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

What is Othello syndrome?

Othello syndrome is a condition of extreme jealousy and insecurity where a person thinks their partner is cheating on them. This situation may cause the person to have thoughts that are not based on realistic foundations, and these thoughts may turn into paranoia over time. “What causes Othello syndrome?” The answer to the question may vary from person to person, but Othello syndrome usually occurs even though there is no evidence of the partner’s cheating. The person may misinterpret their partner’s behavior or hallucinate that there is evidence that their partner is cheating on them. The cause of Othello syndrome may be personality traits, past traumas and existing psychological problems.

What are the symptoms of Othello syndrome?

Othello syndrome is a psychopathological condition characterized by extreme jealousy, suspiciousness and intense obsessions about the partner’s fidelity. Othello syndrome symptoms often occur in romantic relationships and involve intense emotional reactions related to the individual’s extreme distrust of their partner. Othello syndrome symptoms are as follows:

  • The individual fosters extreme and uncontrollable feelings of jealousy towards his partner.
  • These people show extreme sensitivity to threats that do not actually exist.
  • They experience constant obsessions about their partner’s fidelity.
  • Small details or events create extreme doubt and fear.
  • They may exhibit obsessive behavior to control every step of their partner.
  • Behaviors such as checking phones and monitoring messages are common.
  • There is also constant questioning of the partner and holding him accountable.
  • When they believe their partner has betrayed them, they may have thoughts of revenge.
  • Depression and anxiety symptoms are frequently observed.
  • Extreme anger and outbursts of rage may also be present.

How is Othello syndrome treated?

Treatment for Othello syndrome may vary depending on the severity and duration of the person’s condition. Treatment options include psychotherapy and, when necessary, medication. Psychotherapy can help a person understand feelings of jealousy and insecurity and develop healthy coping mechanisms. In some cases, medication may also help treat Othello syndrome. It is important for people experiencing Othello syndrome to receive support during the treatment process.

Who gets Othello syndrome?

Othello Syndrome is a condition characterized by extreme jealousy and suspiciousness that often occurs in romantic relationships. However, there are a number of factors that affect the likelihood of this syndrome occurring. Othello Syndrome can be seen more frequently in the following conditions and groups:

  • Those who have experienced situations such as past traumatic experiences, distrust or emotional abuse
  • People with low self-esteem
  • People with OCD and recurring obsessions
  • People with paranoid personality disorder
  • Those who develop emotional addiction
  • People who have had problems in their past relationships and have been neglected

How should a person with Othello syndrome be treated?

How to treat someone with Othello syndrome may vary depending on the severity and duration of the person’s condition. The person may already be going through a difficult period due to feelings of jealousy and insecurity. It is important to be understanding and patient with him so as not to make these feelings worse. The person may be anxious and nervous because he thinks his partner is cheating on him. Listening to these concerns and trying to understand him may be important at this point. Moreover:

  • Explain to the person that there is no evidence that their partner is cheating on them.
  • Provide reassurance to address the person’s concerns.
  • Create opportunities for the person to spend time with their partner.
  • Help the person engage in activities that will increase self-confidence.

Is there a medicine for Othello syndrome?

There is no specific medication for Othello syndrome. The doctor may recommend medication to help relieve symptoms of jealousy and anxiety and to supplement therapy. If it is decided that a person suffering from Othello syndrome should receive medication, this decision must be made by a psychiatrist.

