What is neck straightening? Neck straightening symptoms and treatment

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Cem Ölmez

Proper neck health; It provides a number of advantages such as comfort in physical activities, balanced posture, avoidance of headaches and smooth functioning of nerve conduction. However, today, factors such as increased computer use, long-term desk work and excessive use of technological devices can negatively affect neck health. Neck straightening also refers to a condition in which the normal curvature of the cervical vertebrae is lost.

Neck straightening is the loss or reduction of the normal C-shaped curvature of the cervical vertebrae. This causes the neck to appear like a straight line forward. Neck straightening; It can cause neck pain, headache, numbness and tingling, limitation of neck movement and balance problems. The answer to the question “What are the causes of neck straightening?” may be different, but when it comes to what causes neck straightening, the reasons for neck straightening are generally listed as follows:

  • Repetitive movements, such as spending too much time in front of the computer, looking at a cell phone, or driving a car
  • bad posture
  • Sitting leaning forward or holding your phone close to your neck can cause neck straightening.

Neck straightening is a condition in which the natural curvature between the cervical vertebrae is lost and usually leads to noticeable symptoms. These symptoms may vary from person to person and may vary in severity. Symptoms of neck straightening are as follows:

  • Neck pain
  • Stiffness and tension in neck muscles
  • headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Numbness and tingling in hands
  • dizziness

How is neck straightening treated?

Neck straightening is diagnosed by physical examination and x-ray. Neck straightening can be seen especially in the office and at home while working or studying, and it is a disease of the modernizing world. For the treatment of neck straightening, some methods can be used both at home / in the office, and medication and physical therapy methods can be used under the supervision of a doctor. Our first answer to the question of what is good for neck straightening is, of course, correct posture exercises and physical therapy. We can give the following answers about how neck straightening occurs:

  • Correct your posture.
  • Take regular breaks and stretch your neck muscles while looking at the computer or phone.
  • Get support when carrying heavy items.
  • You can use a spinal support.
  • Use an appropriate computer desk and chair.
  • When working at the computer, make sure the screen is at eye level.
  • When using your mobile phone, avoid holding it close to your head.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Be at a healthy weight.

“Can neck straightening be corrected?” The answer to the question “Yes, it can pass with the right treatment and exercises” can be given.

Where does neck straightening pain affect?

Neck straightening is a condition that often causes pain in and around the neck area. However, these pains can sometimes spread to other areas. The areas usually affected by neck straightening pain are as follows:

  • neck and shoulders
  • back of head
  • head and temples
  • upper back
  • hands and arms
  • Chin
