What is Melissa tea good for, what are its benefits? How is Melissa tea prepared, how is it brewed?

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Melissa tea is seen as a source of fiber, vitamins A and C, and zinc, iron, calcium and folic acid. As it relaxes the body, it also plays an important role in the treatment of many diseases. Melissa tea, which can be used in the treatment of digestive and immune system disorders, comes to the fore especially with reducing stress. It is recommended to consume a maximum of 2-3 cups of this tea per day, and it is recommended to consult a specialist before using it. Melissa tea, which is generally famous for its stress-reducing effect, can also be preferred in the treatment of different ailments thanks to the rich minerals and vitamins it contains. Melissa tea, consumed in the amount recommended by the doctor, accelerates the healing process of digestive and immune system diseases. What is lemon balm tea, which is known to have a preventive feature for stomach disorders, good for?

What does Melissa tea do?

Melissa tea is known to be rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, iron, zinc, calcium and folic acid. It is thought to relax the body and relieve stress. Melissa tea, which stands out with its benefits to the digestive system, also reflects its antioxidant properties to the body if consumed regularly. Although it is rich in fiber and tannin, it is a low-calorie beverage. Benefits of lemon balm tea that make the immune system stronger:

  • It is thought to reduce stress.
  • It also supports the skin to look more alive.
  • Thanks to the fiber and valuable minerals it contains, it plays a positive role in the health of the digestive system.
  • If consumed regularly, it has a protective effect against headaches.
  • It helps balance blood sugar.
  • It also plays an active role in the payment process.
  • With its calming effect, it helps in the treatment of conditions such as depression, mood disorders and panic attacks.
  • Thanks to its diuretic feature, it supports the healing of diseases such as kidney stones.
  • It is rich in antioxidants.
  • It helps to get rid of edema as well as removes urinary tract infections.
  • Melissa tea, which is thought to relax the stomach, reduces the risk of diseases such as gastritis and reflux.
  • It reduces the pain that occurs during the menstrual period.
  • It also supports the treatment of colds that can occur in winter.

How to make Melissa tea?

It is recommended that lemon balm tea, which can affect the development process and hormone balance, should not be used by people younger than 16 years old and pregnant and lactating women. However, individuals who receive doctor’s approval can drink this beverage up to 2-3 cups per day in order to benefit from the benefits of lemon balm tea. Melissa tea is a drink recommended to be consumed 1 hour before bedtime, as it has a calming effect. However, it is recommended to consume melissa tea on a full stomach. Half a liter of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon balm leaf will be sufficient for the lemon balm tea recipe that can be easily applied at home. It is one of the ingredients required for the preparation of this tea.

How to brew Melissa tea?

  • For the preparation of lemon balm tea, which stands out with its healing aspects, half a liter of water should be boiled first.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon balm leaves to half a liter of boiled water.
  • The tea, which is brewed for 10 minutes after the lemon balm leaf is added, can be consumed easily.
  • People who want to drink this tea can also choose to sweeten it with honey or lemon.

Does Melissa tea weaken?

Thanks to its diuretic feature, lemon balm tea supports the edema removal process. It also plays an active role in the fat burning and weight loss process. However, before using lemon balm tea to lose weight, it is beneficial to consult a specialist.

Does Melissa tea cause menstruation?

With the valuable vitamins and minerals it contains, lemon balm tea plays a role in reducing the pain that may occur during the menstrual period. However, there is no clear information that lemon balm tea ensures that the menstrual period is regular. Therefore, people with menstrual irregularity should consult a specialist doctor.
