What is hijama and how is it done? What is the use of hijama, what are its benefits, which diseases is it good for?

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Alternative medicine methods, which were legalized in accordance with the Regulation on Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey a few years ago, are defined as “traditional and complementary”. One of these applications, which can be done by people approved by the Ministry of Health and in centers with approval certificates, is cupping. Although it is inconvenient for various reasons in different bodies, it is an alternative medicine method preferred by many people who are available to doctors.

What is hijama?

“What does hijama mean?” In answer to the question, we can give the following: The word hijama is defined as “taking blood by cutting any part of the body with a slight scratch and placing a bottle, mug, glass or horn on it”. In response to the word meaning, it is expressed as an application that purifies it from toxins.

Hijama treatment, which has been used since ancient times, even by barbers in the Ottoman period, is an alternative medicine method that can put human life at risk if it is not done by authorized people in our country and if a doctor is not consulted. The cupping procedure, which is used in the treatment of some diseases and is considered a panacea, was banned for a while because it was performed under unhealthy conditions and by unauthorized persons, threatening human health. However, it was approved by the Ministry of Health and started to be carried out under the supervision of the state and by experts.

What is the use of hijama?

Although cupping is seen only as a blood draw procedure, in fact, cupping is preferred by people to stay healthy or to get rid of a health problem they complain about and is applied with the approval of a doctor. Hijama is used in the treatment of many diseases. It also has other benefits to the body. Apart from its acute effects, it is known that the effects after hijama are also permanent. The cupping process, which also accelerates blood circulation, is also known as “cup treatment”. Hijama basically serves to increase the fluidity in the capillaries between the cells and to open the energy channels by pulling the toxins and metabolic wastes accumulated here with negative pressure.

What are the benefits of hijama?

Hijama, which has practice clinics in countries such as Canada, Malaysia, Australia, England, China, and Germany around the world, also provides some benefits to the body apart from the diseases known to be good. The benefits of hijama can be summarized as follows:

  • It is known to accelerate blood circulation.
  • It strengthens the immune system by stimulating organs such as the liver, spleen and bone marrow that produce blood.
  • It increases the oxygenation rates by compositing the tissues.
  • It removes edema and stiffness in the body.
  • Hijama, which aims to prevent diseases in the skeletal and muscular system or that may occur, provides a stimulating effect on the mechanisms that will prevent these diseases.
  • It increases the rate of release of endorphins.
  • It is known for relieving pain caused by calcification, low back stiffness, low back and joint pain, neck or waist hernia.

Which diseases is hijama good for?

Some of the diseases known to be good with cupping application, which can be applied upon the recommendation of the doctor in order to prevent possible complaints or to eliminate existing discomforts, are as follows:

  • digestive system ailments
  • intestinal disorders
  • Psychological disorders (Anxiety, stress intensity, stress-induced pain, sleep problems, etc.)
  • high blood pressure problem
  • Migraine
  • Waist and neck hernia
  • Pain caused by rheumatism
  • Calcification
  • immune system disorders
  • Diabetes and similar chronic ailments

Why is hijama done?

It is an alternative treatment method known for its benefits, which can be done in centers or at home. There are some points to be considered before, during and after the application. Cupping, which can be applied to all parts of the body except the neck and fontanelles, which is located at the top of the head, is considered to be beneficial when applied to the area ten cm above the area between the two paddles, between the two ears and to the back of the heart.

For example, when this application is applied to the area behind the ear, it helps the person to get rid of the problems in the ear, and to prevent diseases such as throat diseases, migraine, liver, gall bladder, and sinusitis. When applied to the part behind the heart, it is aimed to intervene in conditions such as lung problems, bile problems, blood pressure, immune system problems or panic attacks.

The cupping method, which is known to have a history of five thousand years, is less preferred today than in the past with the presence of modern medicine. It can be used by people who want to get rid of harmful toxins in their body. There are also those who prefer this application as a treatment for their existing diseases. For some people, this app seems harmful. People with a sensitive body, chronic diseases, and allergic reactions should be more careful and should not have such an application without consulting a doctor. This practice may also be inconvenient for people over the age of 70, people with heart disease, people with a pacemaker in their heart, people with blood clotting problems, and women in their menstrual period. Mugs or glasses made of glass, pottery, silicone or bamboo are used for the application of hijama. This process is carried out with the following steps:

  • The patient is allowed to lie down in a way that is comfortable.
  • The area to be treated is sterilized.
  • Small incisions are made in the area. Sterilized mugs or glasses are wetted and placed on these cuts.
  • It takes a few minutes for the vacuuming process to take place.
  • Vacuumed blood is kept in the treated glass or cup.

This blood formed by this process is dirty blood and if it is removed from the body, it is considered to be a cure for many diseases. However, it is an application that should not be done unconsciously without the approval of a doctor and by unauthorized persons, otherwise it may threaten human health. Hijama, which is done under the right conditions, starts to show positive results within a week after the procedure. In addition to the possible mild side effects that may be felt after the procedure, more severe side effects may be seen in people with sensitive body. It is known that the first of these side effects is the desire to urinate frequently.
