There are ointments that can be purchased from pharmacies in many disorders from throat discharge to colds, cough to various pain. Vicks ointment, which is known for its various benefits, is also included in some sources. allegedly It is claimed that it provides various benefits according to their usage and fields.
What is good for driving vicks under the feet?
Any obstacles to the use of this ointment health If there is no problem, it is a suitable ointment for the use of most individuals. This ointment, which can be used differently, is suitable for use by applying or inhalation according to its intended use and health problem. However, there are some points that should be considered especially for children.
This ointment, which can be purchased from pharmacies without the need for prescription, can be used by applying the Bosphorus back and soles. In various sources, in winter, in the case of colds, it can be applied under the feet in diseases such as flu or flu.
What happens if vicks are applied under the feet?
According to allegations in various sources The benefits and uses of driving vicks under the feet are as follows:
- If body pain occurs or if it is cold, it should be applied to the soles of the foot and a thick sock should be worn.
- The best time to put it under the feet will be before sleeping at night.
- It can open the respiratory tract.
- It can reduce cough.
Does driving vicks under the feet reduce the fever?
Vicks driving under the feet, which is seen to be used among the people, may also be effective in lowering fever. is put forward. Because some sources have such expressions. In addition, there is a claim that the body temperature can be balanced with this ointment effect under the feet and that the existing fever can be reduced.
Structurally, no scientific and official explanation has been made by experts that this ointment has reduced fever. However, in order to benefit from its benefits, the use of these ointments may be recommended by some doctors.
Does driving vicks under the feet open his nose?
This ointment can be used in different ways. According to allegations in some sources This ointment can be applied to the nostrils, as well as breathing in the nostrils can relieve the blockage.
If it is not directly applied, a little vicks are added in some boiling water and a towel is closed and the vapor rising from this water is fired. In this way, the breathing will relax and the blockages will be removed. is claimed.
In addition to this ointment, there are other ointments that can be used for the same or similar purposes. However, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor without using any ointment.
Is it harmful to apply vicks under the feet?
This ointment, which is known to have some damages especially for children, should not be used unconsciously. It is also known that inflammation can be created in bronchi in case of excessive use. This ointment, which can also be supplied without a prescription, should not be used especially for children of 2 years and six.
Taking a shower with warm water for children, consuming plenty of liquids, dropping room temperature below the existing heat, using antipyretic drugs is also an effective way to reduce fever. This ointment should be consulted with a doctor before trying to drop a fever by rubbing it under the feet.