What is good for diarrhea? Is cola, coffee and banana good for diarrhea or does it stop diarrhea?

What is good for diarrhea Is cola coffee and banana

Diarrhea, which is a bowel movement in which watery and loose stools are removed a little more often than usual during the day, is usually short-lived. This mild disease can go away in a few days without the need for medical treatment. On the other hand, some may be longer-lasting or permanent. The discomfort can occur as a result of a bacterial or viral infection or from food poisoning. Since there may be a different underlying cause of long-term discomfort, it is necessary to consult a physician and start medical treatment. It is important to apply to a health institution, especially if diarrhea is seen in children and if symptoms such as fever and vomiting accompany the disease. In cases where there is no other symptom, it can be treated at home by eliminating fluid loss with natural methods. That’s why many people are wondering what is good for diarrhea. What is the definitive solution for diarrhea in adults and children?

What causes diarrhea?

Different ailments and various conditions can cause diarrhea. Viruses are among the first causes that come to mind. Among the viruses that cause discomfort;

  • Norwalk virus,
  • There are viral hepatitis and cytomegalovirus.

Rotavirus can also cause acute diarrhea in children. Another reason is recorded as bacteria and parasites. Food and water, especially contaminated, spoiled or contaminated with bacteria or parasites; This causes bacteria and parasites to enter the body. While clostridium difficile, which is among the bacteria, causes this ailment, it can also pave the way for serious infections.

Some antibiotics and some drugs can also cause diarrhea as a side effect. In addition, it can upset the balance of the digestive system.

Another factor that can cause this discomfort is lactose intolerance. Lactose, a type of sugar found in milk and dairy products, can cause diarrhea after consumption of such foods because it is difficult to digest in some people. Similarly, people who have difficulty digesting fructose may also experience this ailment.

It can be seen that some people cause this discomfort due to artificial sweeteners in the content of chewing gum.

In addition to these, diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, microscopic colitis, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome can also be among the symptoms of the disease.

What are the symptoms of diarrhea?

Watery and loose stools are among the common symptoms of the disorder. And also;

  • abdominal cramps,
  • Stomach ache,
  • Fire,
  • blood in stool,
  • mucus in stool,
  • bloating in the abdomen,
  • nausea and
  • The sudden feeling of going to the toilet is among the other symptoms.

Especially in children and babies, this ailment can quickly lead to dehydration (thirst). Therefore, if the discomfort does not improve within 24 hours and dehydration, high fever, bloody stools or black stools are seen, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting any time.

While the most obvious symptom of the disorder is dehydration, there are various ways to understand dehydration. Here are the symptoms that can be followed to understand dehydration:

  • excessive thirst
  • dark urine
  • dry mouth or skin
  • little or no urination
  • dizziness
  • Tiredness

In order to understand dehydration in children and infants, it is necessary to pay attention to some points. For example, babies;

  • When they haven’t wet their diapers for more than three hours
  • When they cry without tears,
  • When their mouth or tongue is dry,
  • when they are angry,
  • When they do not react to those around them,
  • When the fontanelles collapse and
  • Dehydration can be suspected when stinging or pitting is seen in the abdomen, eye and cheek regions.

In adults, dehydration stands out as one of the issues that should be paid special attention to, as it can lead to kidney failure, diabetes and some immune system problems.

what good for diarrhea

What is good for diarrhea?

Simple cases can usually pass in a few days without the need for special treatment. In this process, it is very important to get enough fluid in the body. However, in cases that last longer than a few days, doctors may recommend the use of medication. Experts recommend that these should be replaced as the body loses plenty of water and minerals during diarrhea. Therefore, it may be necessary to increase the consumption of water, fruit juice or broth a little.

In addition, it is recommended to consume various types of soup to maintain electrolyte levels. On the other hand, when consuming fruit juice, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of fruit juice. For example; Fruits such as apples can aggravate diarrhea.

When diarrhea completely disappears, it is necessary to maintain the diet for a while with semi-solid and low-fiber foods. It is recommended to stay away from dairy products, high fiber foods, fatty foods and seasoned foods for a while. Instead of these, foods such as eggs, chicken, toast and rice can be preferred. It is also beneficial to consume small but frequent foods.

foods good for diarrhea

Foods that are good for diarrhea

Among the foods that are good for diarrhea; soup, puree, rice, boiled and pasta. The main goal in the treatment process is to prevent fluid and electrolyte loss. During the treatment of diarrhea in infants, it is necessary to continue with breast milk or formula.

The recommended foods to be included in the diet for adults are as follows:

  • Potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Carrot
  • Lean bread
  • Banana
  • Rice

Foods such as yogurt and kefir, especially with probiotic content, support the beneficial bacteria in the intestines after antibiotic treatment. After white rice is boiled, it can be consumed without oil, as rice porridge. Thanks to their potassium content, bananas, oatmeal and chicken soup are also among the recommended foods. Probiotics help the ailment heal much faster. Foods that can be consumed as probiotics are as follows:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Cheese
  • Beet
  • pickled cucumber
  • Tarhana

Home remedies for diarrhea treatment

When the general condition is good during the discomfort and when nausea and vomiting are not accompanied by 1 liter of boiling, a mixture can be prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the chilled water. This mixture can be consumed at frequent intervals. The mixture is prepared daily and is drunk about half a glass of water after each defecation. solution at home Liquids containing sugar and salt can be preferred while trying the methods.

diarrhea in infants

How is diarrhea in babies?

Diarrhea is common in children and infants, especially between the ages of 0-5. Discomfort in children in this age group is usually caused by infection and bacteria. At this point, it is necessary to pay attention to clean drinking water and hygiene during the preparation of food. In addition, rotavirus can be a common cause of diarrhea in children under 2 years of age. Breast milk is one of the most important and natural methods of treatment for babies. Breast milk, which strengthens the immune system, also helps to protect the intestinal flora.

After the 6th month in babies, mashed potatoes, mashed bananas, homemade yogurt and rice porridge foodmay be preferred. In cases of long-term discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In this process, it is important to pay attention to fluid supplementation in order to prevent fluid loss. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the feeding of children every 3-4 hours. Children who are older than 6 months and can be fed with solid food can be given vegetables and cereals in addition to milk.

is banana good for diarrhea

Is banana good for diarrhea?

In the process of discomfort, people also wonder whether bananas are good for diarrhea. While the discomfort continues, it is necessary to pay more attention to nutrition than ever before. While avoiding fatty and fibrous foods, it is important to focus on foods such as potatoes and bananas. In particular, bananas are an important part of preventing potassium loss in the body. food stands out as. This delicious fruit can also be given to children in the form of mashed bananas.

Is coffee good for diarrhea?

Is coffee good for diarrhea?

There is a belief among people that coffee can be good for diarrhea. However, caffeine and alcoholic beverages should be avoided in case of this discomfort. foodhappens from. Experts also state that coffee is an urban legend. Experts; He states that coffee and tea cause fluid loss in the body. They also state that there is no scientific evidence that tea and coffee cure diarrhea. It is stated that the most valuable and important beverage that can be drunk during this period is water, and it is recommended to consume water frequently.

is coke good for diarrhea

Is cola good for diarrhea?

Just like coffee, cola is among the drinks believed to be good for diarrhea among people. On the other hand, experts state that this notion is wrong. Experts say that such drinks increase water loss and recommend adequate water consumption. Along with acidic beverages, fatty foods are among the foods that should be avoided. Therefore, in this process, it is important to pay more attention to nutrition than usual, to consume plenty of water, and to consult a doctor without wasting time in case of an unexpected or long-term situation with additional symptoms.

being constipated after diarrhea

Is it normal to be constipated after diarrhea?

After the complaint of diarrhea, some people may also complain of constipation. The reasons for such situations are also frequently investigated. At this point, irritable bowel syndrome is one of the researched issues. The symptoms of this disorder, which can be seen in 15% of the society, may include pain, cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. In some cases, constipation and diarrhea can develop together. Especially in some patients, successive episodes of constipation and diarrhea can be seen. Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
