What is good for 20-year-old toothache, how does it go away with natural treatment at home? How many days does wisdom toothache last?

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Depending on the size of the problems that occur in wisdom teeth treated by a dentist or maxillofacial surgeon, tooth extraction or surgical treatment may be required. It is possible to alleviate only the pain temporarily with herbal alternatives, if the necessary treatment is not applied, a picture with various negativities may be encountered.

How Does Wispy Teeth Come Out?

Teeth form an important part of the jaw anatomy. In normal conditions, teeth called 20 teeth are located at the point where 32 teeth in a person end towards the inside of the jaw.. There are a total of four twenty-year-old teeth, one each on the right and left ends of the upper and lower jaws. Under normal conditions, these teeth are located at the ends of both jaw structures and serve as a healthy chewing function. However, in some cases, they cannot find a suitable place for themselves and continue their existence embedded in the jawbone. This leads to deterioration in the jaw structure. For this reason, it is of great importance that wisdom teeth are checked from the age of 15.

Wisdom teeth develop and grow in a structure different from the others. In case of a condition such as jaw stenosis, these teeth come out crookedly. This causes tooth growth to take place inside the jaw. Because the smaller the jaw structure, the harder it is for the teeth at the tip of the jaw to find a place to come out. If they can’t find a place, they start to force other teeth and become a problem.

At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Start to Appear?

Under normal conditions, wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth, which usually start to erupt from the age of 17, can continue to erupt until the age of 30. Especially after the age of 25, wisdom teeth grow in a problematic way. If the emergence and development process is not followed regularly from the age of 17, discomfort may occur in both the jawbone and the surrounding tissues. While dentists state that wisdom teeth do not come out in every individual, they also underline that individuals should pay attention to their dental health checks. Because if the necessary attention is not given to oral health, especially to such conditions that can affect the jaw joints, it is likely that important health problems will arise.

What Are the Symptoms of 20-Tooth Pain?

Wisdom teeth appear with many symptoms. These symptoms, which are not limited to only pain, sometimes even suggest that the discomfort is not caused by teeth. Because some symptoms do not appear directly in the area of ​​​​the teeth, but in the surrounding tissues with a feeling of discomfort. These symptoms can be broadly listed as follows:

  • Pain due to chewing and biting during feeding
  • Tenderness and swelling of the gums in the lower and upper jaws
  • Difficulty opening mouth while eating, drinking, or talking
  • Bad breath that can be noticed by the people around
  • Pain in the back of the face, jaw and even around the ears
  • Severe headache
  • Inability to fully perceive the taste of food
  • difficulty swallowing
  • Swelling and tenderness in the lymph nodes

Where Does 20 Years Toothache Hit?

Wisdom teeth occupy an important place among the problems in jaw anatomy. If they protrude embedded in the chin, the size of the discomfort to the individual increases. People who cannot understand the cause of the pain in the beginning apply to the dentists. In some cases, patients who think that the pain is not caused by teeth seek help from their doctors in the ear-nose-throat area. Because wisdom tooth pain is not included in the group of pains with only local effects. This discomfort, which can be reflected in the form of pain in the jawbone, around the ear, in various parts of the throat and even in the cheekbones, leaves the patients in a very difficult situation at first. The size of wisdom tooth disease, whose development has not been followed or has not been treated since the discomfort, increases by including the surrounding areas.

How Many Days Does 20-Tooth Pain Last?

Wisdom teeth have a very sensitive structure and can be rapidly decayed. Inflammation begins with the occurrence of rot. Dentists who recommend the removal of the problematic tooth as soon as the discomfort occurs, draw attention to the importance of the patients should consult a specialist dentist without wasting time about their discomfort. The pain may occur due to the eruption of the teeth in the jaw, as well as in the case of decayed wisdom teeth. In both cases, it is absolutely necessary to apply the necessary treatment in order to relieve the pain that disturbs the patient strongly. Otherwise, pain that continues for days makes surgery necessary after a certain stage.

Dentists prefer to treat the tooth as the first choice when it comes to decay. However, when there is a different discomfort, it is recommended to extract the problematic tooth. The reason for this is that it is not possible for the disturbing wisdom teeth to function as normal teeth.

How To Get A 20-Tooth Pain?

With the removal of the problematic tooth by a specialist physician, pain and discomfort disappear. However, if it is not possible to apply to a specialist doctor or a health institution in the time period when the pain is in question, it is possible to alleviate the pain with some herbal methods. However, herbal methods only serve to relieve pain temporarily. If the pain is very strong, the size of the discomfort will also be large.

  • By applying clove oil externally to the problematic tooth, you can achieve local numbness of the jaw and palate. You can use this method several times a day.
  • You can gargle with a mixture of salt and water, which is found in every home and is thought to be non-medicinal.
  • Garlic, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects, can be used to relieve pain. You can significantly relieve the pain by crushing a clove of garlic and then placing it on the aching wisdom tooth or by chewing a clove of garlic.
  • Onion, which has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, is among the alternative herbs that attract attention for the role it plays in pain relief. You can try to relieve your pain by chewing a piece of onion or holding it over the aching area.
  • You can gargle with warm salt water after you apply peppermint, which has been used to alleviate the pain that has occurred in the teeth for centuries, to the aching area and wait for a while.
  • You can put the fleshy part of the olive on the painful place and wait for a while by pressing it, so you can reduce the severity of the pain a little bit.
  • After crushing a pinch of parsley, you can rub it on your wisdom teeth as if you were massaging it.
  • Lemon peel attracts attention with its rich content of vitamin C, which helps strengthen teeth and gums. You can mix some salt and a teaspoon of finely chopped lemon peel and massage the painful parts with this mixture. This method also provides a certain amount of whitening of yellowed teeth.
  • You can relieve your pain by putting a mixture of chili pepper and salt on your wisdom teeth. You can apply this method 2-3 times a day until the severity of your pain subsides.

Extraction of wisdom teeth

Problematic wisdom teeth, which cause severe pain and infection at a level that will prepare the ground for various problems, are treated by specialist dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. The problematic wisdom tooth that is not embedded in the jaw, which manifests itself with quite severe pain, is extracted by a specialist dentist after the necessary examination. However, in cases where infection is in question, it may be necessary to use antibiotics for the period determined by the dentist. If the physician prescribes antibiotics, the problem tooth is extracted after the existing inflammation is dried with the help of antibiotics.

The treatment process of wisdom teeth embedded in the jaw proceeds under the control of a maxillofacial surgeon. After the first examination, the maxillofacial surgeon may request to start antibiotic treatment if deemed necessary. After the antibiotic treatment ends, the disturbing wisdom tooth is removed with a small-scale surgical operation. However, if the infection is not treated for a long time, a problem called wisdom tooth abscess, which prevents the extraction of the tooth, occurs. In this case, it is out of question for the physician to intervene before the abscess dries up. After the treatment to remove the abscess is applied, the treatment is completed with the extraction of the tooth. For the extraction of the impacted tooth, the anatomy of the region is well evaluated and if adequate anesthesia is applied, pain is not felt during the procedure.

In the ongoing process, it is important to go to the controls on the dates determined by the dentist, to determine whether the treatment is successful or not, and to take precautions against possible problems that may arise later.
