What is acupuncture and what are its benefits? How is acupuncture treatment done, which diseases does it treat?

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There are some alternative medicine treatments that are still valid today and have been used for a long time. Acupuncture, which is among the treatment methods known to affect the energy circulation in the body, is a traditional alternative medicine option. It is known that this type of treatment, which is made with thin and steel needles, is good for some diseases. It is a treatment method that should not be done without the advice of a specialist doctor. It can cause different reactions in different bodies.

What is acupuncture?

The name acupuncture is derived from the Latin words “acus” and “punctura”. In Latin, “acus” means needle and “punctura” means to prick. The expression of sarcasm is also used as a Turkish equivalent. Coming from Chinese culture, acupuncture is a traditional method of alternative medicine. It is believed that it heals and cures many diseases. Acupuncture method, one of the alternative medicine methods, is recommended for bodies that have negative reactions to modern medicine methods. Acupuncture, which came from China, the country where he was born, has become used all over the world over time. In Turkey, it is seen that it is used to support the treatment of some diseases or directly as a remedy for the disease. There are also laser and electro acupuncture methods applied today with classical or technological developments.

How is acupuncture done?

Acupuncture applications are made by experts in this field, in accordance with the sessions given according to the doctor’s recommendation. It is applied in the form of activating the nerves by inserting needles into the areas of the patient’s body that are determined to be suitable. With the application of acupuncture with very fine needles, it is aimed to heal the existing diseases quickly. However, it is one of the treatment methods that should not be applied without a doctor’s recommendation due to the possibility of negative effects that may vary according to the person’s body.

There are acupuncture points in certain places on our body. These acupuncture points are thought to be good for various ailments and pains. This method, which is applied to the acupuncture points of the patient, can be applied to the whole body or to certain areas. It is a method that also provides and activates the transmission of electricity in the body. There is also a different method of acupuncture known as ear acupuncture. The reason for applying acupuncture to the ear is that this region is defined as the microsystem. Auricular acupuncture is applied to treat the disease in any part of the body with acupuncture needles applied to the ear.

What are the benefits of acupuncture?

Acupuncture applications, which may vary according to each body, should be performed with the recommendation or direction of the doctor. Acupuncture applications performed as the doctors deem appropriate may be beneficial for the following conditions according to the diseases:

  • Chronic pain is reduced: Since the stimulated acupuncture points regulate the body’s nervous system and hormones, endorphins are known to help alleviate the pain experienced.
  • It provides a regular sleep by eliminating sleep problems: Heart rate and metabolism are regulated through the application.
  • Corrects depression and derivative emotional states: Thanks to acupuncture needles, the release of endorphins and serotonin in the body increases. In this way, the nervous system of the people who are treated is regulated and the person feels calmer.
  • It reduces anxiety: If the acupuncture method, which is known to affect not only humans but also animals, is applied with the recommendation of a doctor, a significant decrease in anxiety can be seen.
  • Helps lower blood pressure: It is known to reduce blood pressure, which rises due to stress, and reduces stress hormones.
  • It strengthens the immune system: Acupuncture needles are made with the right application and when applied to the right areas, it provides an increase in white blood cells. In this way, the immune system is activated and the immune system is strengthened.
  • Helps to lose weight: The acupuncture method applied to the ear area helps to get rid of excess weight. Acupuncture application, which will be done with the approval of a specialist dietitian, helps to lose weight when supported by a healthy lifestyle and diet. It is also known to reduce the feeling of excessive need to eat and eating disorder. It minimizes the tension felt while dieting.

Does the acupuncture method have side effects?

Acupuncture method, which is applied correctly and by experts in this field, can be applied to people of all ages. However, as with all applications, there are some possible side effects for the acupuncture method. Some of these side effects are:

  • low back pain
  • Calcification
  • rheumatic pains
  • vomiting or nausea
  • allergic diseases
  • respiratory distress
  • Headache and migraine
  • pain in teeth

Is it possible to lose weight with acupuncture?

Some people can use the acupuncture method to lose weight. It may also be possible to lose weight with acupuncture if there is the approval and guidance of a doctor who is an expert in the field. Fine needles are applied to the places designated as acupuncture points to lose weight. The number of sessions of this application is arranged according to the person’s body and the treatment method recommended by the doctor. It is known that the acupuncture method, which is known to reduce appetite, regulates metabolism and accordingly helps to lose weight. However, acupuncture alone will not be enough. It should be supported by a healthy lifestyle and a personalized diet.

What diseases does acupuncture treat?

It is known that the acupuncture method, which is known to balance the energy in the human body, also increases the quality of life. It is a recommended method especially in the treatment of some diseases. Some of these diseases can be listed as follows:

  • It can be used to quit smoking.
  • It is recommended for problems related to rheumatism.
  • It is used in cases of stroke or paralysis.
  • It is one of the alternative medicine methods recommended for diabetes.
  • It is known to be good for all kinds of pain.
  • It may also be recommended for psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression or sleep disorders.
  • It can be used in stomach related diseases such as constipation or diarrhea and digestive problems.
  • It is a method used in blood pressure problems.
  • It is known to be supportive in the treatment of heart diseases.
  • It is among the methods used to quit smoking.
  • Acupuncture is recommended for weight loss.
