What does hypnosis do? What diseases can be treated with hypnosis?

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Hypnosis, which should be performed by a specialist doctor and in appropriate environments, is among the preferred alternative medicine methods to accelerate the treatment processes of many diseases. The usage areas of hypnosis are quite wide and it is mainly used for diseases caused by psychological problems. The hypnotherapy application, which also includes hypnosis treatment, is a general name given to all the techniques used in the treatment processes with hypnosis application. In addition, the American Medical Association accepted this method as a method of psychotherapy in the middle of the twentieth century.

What does hypnosis do?

It is extremely important whether the person who will be treated with hypnosis is prone to hypnosis. Because the purpose and goal of hypnosis is to focus the person first and to ensure that he/she experiences awareness. If the person does not want to be hypnotized, the application cannot be performed. Hypnosis can be used to get rid of certain addictions, fears or imbalances. It is also important to trust the person doing the hypnosis. Hypnosis is not preferred if people are prone to hypnosis, but have diagnoses of serious illnesses or are at a very advanced age.

What diseases does hypnosis treat?

The diseases treated with hypnosis are predominantly psychological diseases. It is known to accelerate the traditional medicine treatment applied for sleep disorders or excessive fear and anxiety in different subjects. It is a method used to get rid of stress, depression or various phobias, especially today.
It is said that hypnosis is a state of sleep, especially among the people. It is known that the hypnotized person is unconscious, but when people are hypnotized, they are not unconscious. They can understand, perceive and respond to any question asked.

## Which diseases are treated with hypnosis? In the solution of psychological problems that manifest themselves physiologically, hypnosis can be performed if the doctors deem it appropriate. It is known that hypnosis practice, which is known to be effective in combating various addictions, helps to clear negative thoughts that have settled in the subconscious due to any trauma or situation. Diseases and conditions that are known to be good for hypnosis with a specialist doctor can be listed as follows: * Eating disorders * Addictions * Stress * Fears, phobias * Anxiety * Sleep disorders * Panic attacks * Forgetfulness * Skin diseases * Hypertension * Urinary incontinence * Sexual reluctance * Migraine ## How is the treatment with hypnosis? During the application, the hypnotist draws the patient’s attention to any object or point. This ensures focus. Apart from the suggestion method, hypnosis can also be performed with drugs or other methods. Since the diseases treated with hypnosis are predominantly psychological, this method cannot be applied to everyone. Diagnosis of a severe psychological illness is an obstacle to the application of hypnosis. ## How long does the effect of hypnosis last? It is known that those treated with hypnosis experience this effect permanently. Subconscious cleansing is aimed by ensuring that the person to whom this method is applied is focused. In this way, it is aimed to get rid of all negative thoughts that have settled in the subconscious of people for any reason. After the hypnosis applied, it is aimed to end the problem of the person for which hypnosis was performed. For example, the person who is hypnotized due to addiction gets rid of this habit, thanks to the effect of hypnosis on the mind that manages this addiction.
