What are the most effective and practical abdominal exercises, How should nutrition be while doing sports? Here are the abs exercises you can do at home

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Especially in the summer months, many people start to do sports. Regular exercise is necessary for a sporty and durable body. You can get more comfortable and practical results by applying exercise programs that suit your needs or desires. With regional muscle exercises, programs can be made for the abdominal region. At this point, it is recommended to get support from professional professionals such as sports trainers and sports coaches to create effective programs. To get exactly where you want to go, you need to follow expert advice.

What are abdominal exercises?

The abdominal region is the center of the body and there are many muscles in this area. For this reason, you can benefit from more than one issue by developing your abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles are examined under four headings: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis. You can work different muscles or muscle groups with different exercises. In addition, due to the fact that the abdominal muscles are in the center, active work of the abdominal muscles is ensured while different regions are working while exercising. For example, there are sports movements that work your abdominal muscles while working your leg muscles. Some of the pluses you will add to your body with abdominal exercises can be listed as follows:

  • Abdominal muscles support the spine and increase control
  • Providing flexibility to the body
  • Supporting the body while lifting weights
  • Internal organs protection
  • Giving the individual an upright posture
  • More comfortable movement due to the fact that body movements are powered by the body

What are the abdominal exercises that can be done at home?

You may not choose to go to the gym for reasons such as lack of available time. It is possible to do sports at home with your own means. You can lose weight in the home environment and have a tight waist area by regularly applying the belly melting movements that you have created with the support of experts. While doing this, you can first practice exercises that can be done without using extra sports equipment. You can easily do these exercises in almost any environment. Exercises for a flat stomach without the need for equipment can be listed as follows:

  • Plank: Plank movement, which is among the most effective abdominal exercises, also corrects your posture. It provides resistance to the body. It works the hip area as well as the rectus muscles, lateral abdominal muscles and transverse abdominal muscles. There are different types of plank movement. For the abdominal muscle program, you can choose the exercises that are suitable for you.
  • Shuttle: The sit-up movement, which primarily works the upper abdomen, is a practical exercise known to everyone. You can add types such as reverse shuttle, half shuttle and side shuttle to your program.
  • Leg raise: The leg raise, which is one of the effective lower abdominal exercises, is performed by lying on the floor in the supine position. It works your muscles by raising the legs by taking power from the abdomen.
  • mountain climber: It is an exercise that works the leg, arm, and shoulder muscles as well as the abdominal area. It is a movement that will increase your condition and endurance by affecting most of the body.
  • Seated knee-up: Sit on the floor and the upper body is kept in balance at an angle of approximately 45 degrees by taking support from the hands. The knees are bent and the feet are pulled towards the body. With this exercise, you can work the lower abdominal muscles.
  • Bicycle crunch: It is a kind of shuttle movement. In the sit-up position, the right hand and left knee are brought closer to each other. Then the movement is completed with the opposite hand and arm. It works the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominis muscle, at a high tempo.

What are the abdominal movements that can be done with sports equipment?

After you start doing sports at home, you may need to diversify your program when you reach a certain level. As your body gets stronger, you can do sports at a slower pace with extra weights other than your body weight. In this way, the exercises you do can be made fun by getting away from the monotony. You can add different movements to your training program under expert control with equipment such as resistance band, adjustable weight set, pull-up bar and training wheel. With the diversified programs, the body can be moved away from the monotonous working order. Different muscle groups can be worked at different levels.

How to prepare for abdominal muscle movements?

You should also take care to protect your health while doing sports in the home environment. It is recommended that you choose sports clothes that you will be comfortable while doing these movements. By using a sports mat, you can prevent noise at home and harm the hard floor. It is important to ventilate the environment you work in, as the need for oxygen will increase during sports. In case of a possible health problem or disability, you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, if you have a health problem that prevents you from doing sports, it is recommended by experts to go under a general doctor’s control without training the abdominal muscles. You may need to follow these steps regularly so that you do not lose your health while doing sports.

An important issue before exercise is warming up and stretching. Starting sports without warming up can lead to various problems, from muscle pain to injuries. You can prepare your body for active sports with about 10-15 minutes of warm-up movements. For this, walking can be done first and then jogging at a moderate pace. You need to prepare your body locally with stretching movements. For some of the exercise movements, you need a certain amount of flexibility and strength.

How should nutrition be while exercising?

You can accelerate the process of burning fat and clarifying the muscles by adopting the right eating habits. Just doing sports is not enough for a fit body. It is possible to develop muscles with exercises, but muscles cannot be defined without burning fat. In addition, attention should be paid to adequate water consumption. Individuals who exercise lose a lot of water by sweating during sports. We can list the things to be considered in nutrition while doing regular sports as follows;

  • It is recommended to consume the main meal 3-4 hours before the sport. It is important to eat protein and carbohydrates in this meal. Reducing your fat consumption will be positive for your health and body.
  • You can gain energy by consuming snacks about an hour before sports. Light foods such as fruit and yogurt can be preferred at this meal.
  • It is important to drink water before exercising. In order to reduce heat-related fluid loss during sports, a sufficient amount of water should be drunk before and after sports.
  • You can help your muscles develop by eating a protein-rich diet after exercise. It is recommended that you get the necessary minerals and vitamins from natural foods.
