What are the main continuing education organizations?

What are the main continuing education organizations

Everyone should have the possibility of lifelong learning in order to acquire, update, supplement and expand their skills, knowledge and skills, for their personal and professional development. Continuing education is beneficial for both employees and employers. So what are the main continuing education organizations?

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When we think of education, we generally associate it with the initial formation of children, adolescents and young people in general. Yet the right to education is universal and applies to everyone, even adults. Indeed, the acquisition of personal and professional skills is essential to improve the quality of people’s lives.

There is always time to learn, which is why there are currently offers of continuing education within the reach of most personal, family and professional realities of workers.

What is continuing education for?

Adults enter (or re-enter) the world of training for a variety of reasons:

  • Replace primary or secondary education that they missed or dropped out of
  • Acquire basic educational skills, such as reading, writing andarithmetic
  • Acquire vocational training and skills in order to adapt to new labor market conditions or for a career change
  • Continue to learn as part of personal development
  • Participate fully in social life and democratic processes

In addition, the continuing education can enable economically and socially marginalized adults to understand, question and transform, through critical awareness, the reasons for their marginalization, in particular by extricating themselves from this situation.

Finally, continuing education offers the possibility of developing the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in society, to become active citizens. L’education and adult education also have broader economic, social, political and cultural benefits, both for the state and for societies.

The main continuing education organizations

Knowledge of the different training options and existing routes is essential to enable them to organize and direct the learning experience.

Here are the main continuing education organizations in France:


CEGOS offers training in many fields of activity, both face-to-face, in their training centers, or online, via the digital learning. The particularity of this organization is that it is international, with many partner subsidiaries around the world.

AFPA (Agency for Adult Vocational Training)

Present throughout France, the profile of AFPA learners is mainly made up of job seekers. The main objective of this continuing education organization is the professional integration of its learners. Alternation is the preferred format.

Chambers of trades and crafts

The Trades and Crafts Chambers Training Center offers training to employees of the Trades and Crafts Chambers. The activity sectors of this organization are rather practical and manual: hotel industry, catering, aesthetics, fashion, arts, graphics, health, nature, mechanics, building …

The CNED (National Center for Distance Education)

The CNED is a French public establishment, offering distance learning, for all profiles: civil service, classic university course, CAP, BTS, preparations for teaching competitions. Created in 1939, the CNED is renowned for the quality of its support for learners.


For 30 years, Elegia has offered continuous training in the following sectors: Labor law, human resources, QSE, Finance, Real estate, Accounting, Personal development, Management and Customer relations.

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