What are the folic acid benefits? What does folic acid do?

Folic acid is an important B vitamin for the human body and provides many health benefits. One of the most important benefits of this vitamin is that it is necessary for the growth and reproduction of cells. Therefore, folic acid is very important for a healthy fetal development during pregnancy. Folic acid is also considered an important vitamin for skin health and can help hair, skin and nails look healthier. As a result, folic acid is an important vitamin for maintaining a healthy life and taking it regularly is important for health.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a vitamin belonging to the B vitamin family and is vital for the body. It is also known as vitamin B9. This vitamin supports many basic biological processes such as cell growth and reproduction, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis and red blood cell production. Folic acid is found in the body in a form called folate and is usually ingested through food. Folic acid can be found in many foods, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, grains, fruits, and meat. Folic acid is also important as a prenatal vitamin because it can help prevent birth defects such as neural tube defects during pregnancy.

In case of folic acid deficiency, health problems such as anemia, nervous system disorders and immune system problems can occur. Therefore, it is important to get enough folic acid to maintain a healthy life. Symptoms of folic acid deficiency:

  • Anemia: Folic acid deficiency can prevent the body from producing enough red blood cells. This condition is known as anemia and is usually manifested by symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, pale skin, dizziness and shortness of breath.
  • Digestive Problems: Folic acid deficiency can sometimes lead to digestive system problems. Digestive issues such as loss of appetite, weight loss, red or swollen tongue, constipation or diarrhea can all be signs of folic acid deficiency.
  • Nervous System Problems: Folic acid is critical to nervous system health. Folic acid deficiency can lead to nervous system problems. In this case, disturbances in nervous system functions may occur and these may present with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, irritability, forgetfulness, memory problems, numbness and tingling.
  • Pregnancy Complications: Folic acid deficiency can lead to serious complications in pregnancy. Folic acid intake during pregnancy supports the healthy development of the unborn baby and reduces the risk of birth defects such as neural tube defects.
  • Tongue and Mouth Problems: Folic acid deficiency can affect tongue and oral health. Red, swollen or tender tongue, formation of cracks or ulcers on the surface of the tongue, frequent mouth ulcers may be symptoms of folic acid deficiency.

What are the folic acid benefits?

Folic acid, which is very important especially during pregnancy, is one of the vitamins researched by many people. “What does folic acid do?” The question can be answered as follows:

  • It is an important vitamin during pregnancy. Taking folic acid during childbearing may help prevent birth defects such as a neural tube defect in an unborn baby. This is why women planning to become pregnant often take folic acid supplements. Folic acid also supports the healthy development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord tissue.
  • May support heart health. High folic acid levels support low levels of a compound called homocysteine. While high homocysteine ​​levels can increase the risk of heart disease, regulating folic acid intake can reduce this risk.
  • It may help reduce the risk of cancer. It may be especially effective in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Research shows that adequate folic acid intake can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
  • Supports brain health. Low folic acid levels can be associated with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders.
  • It is necessary for blood health. Folic acid is needed for the production of red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency can trigger anemia and lead to fatigue, pale skin and low energy levels.

Besides these benefits, folic acid may offer many other health benefits. These include supporting skin health, improving nervous system function, promoting DNA repair and boosting the immune system. Folic acid is an important vitamin for maintaining a healthy life and is recommended to be taken through diet or supplements.

  • Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard, kale, broccoli and lettuce are rich in folic acid. You can increase your folic acid intake by adding these vegetables to your salads or using them in various dishes. Foods containing folic acid:

  • Dry beans: Dried legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans and soybeans are among the sources of folic acid. You can increase your folic acid intake by using these foods in soups, salads, stews or side dishes.
  • Citrus: Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and lemons are among the fruits that contain folic acid. You can increase your folic acid intake by consuming these fruits.
  • Cereals: Whole grains are a rich source of folic acid content. Whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereals are among the grains that contain folic acid. You can increase your folic acid intake by choosing these cereals for breakfast or lunch.
  • Egg: Eggs are an animal source of folic acid. One medium egg contains approximately 24 micrograms of folic acid. You can increase your folic acid intake by using or boiling eggs in various dishes.
  • Meat products: Especially meat products such as liver, beef and chicken breast contain folic acid. However, it is important to be careful when consuming meat and to choose appropriate cooking methods.

These foods are rich in folic acid content. To increase your folic acid intake, you can add these foods to your diet and use them in various recipes. You can contribute to a healthy life by regularly consuming foods and products containing folic acid.

Does folic acid make it easier to get pregnant?

Folic acid may help facilitate conception. Women planning a pregnancy often take folic acid supplements. Folic acid has an important role in preventing birth defects such as neural tube defects in the unborn baby. The neural tube is formed at the early developmental stage of the baby’s spine and contains such an important part as the brain and spinal cord. Adequate folic acid intake supports healthy closure of the neural tube. Therefore, adequate folic acid levels are important in the pre-pregnancy period. Women who are planning to become pregnant can get enough of this vitamin by talking to their doctor about folic acid supplementation and consuming foods rich in folic acid.
