What are the benefits of yoga, how many times a week should it be done? What does yoga bring to the body, which diseases is it good for?

Factors such as the intensity of modern city life, intense work pace and stress in social life cause physical and mental fatigue. In order to get away from this intensity for a while, yoga stands out as an effective method. Yoga can be defined as a kind of mind meditation with a history of five thousand years. Yoga, which started in India and spread all over the world today, means meeting, meeting, reunion as a word. Those who practice yoga and follow this philosophy are called yogis or yogini.

What does yoga do to the body?

When yoga is practiced regularly and adopted as a part of life, it brings the individual to peace. Postures called asanas and breathing practices called Pranayama allow you to relax physically. With yoga movements, the body gains balance. Breath control, which is an important issue in yoga, provides positive results in terms of health. Being socially positive affects your quality of life. Apart from this, yoga has spiritual benefits as well.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Yoga, which is in the interest of those who want to relax spiritually, also relaxes the mind and body. It does not just define a physical activity, it is a way of life and philosophy in a broader sense. Therefore, it provides many benefits to the human body in different ways. The benefits of doing yoga, which will increase your quality of life by investing in yourself, can be listed as follows:

  • Proper breathing is one of the primary goals in yoga. With the right breathing technique, the heartbeat and rhythm are regulated. This also helps regulate various bodily functions.
  • It reduces the risk of heart attack by regulating the heart rhythm.
  • It provides physical and mental rest. It reduces the likelihood of disorders such as depression by reducing stress.
  • With yoga, the body gains flexibility over time and improves mobility.
  • By increasing the concentration level of yoga, individuals who practice yoga can focus on their work more easily. Awareness levels increase.
  • As yoga provides physical relaxation, it becomes easier to fall asleep. A better quality sleep pattern can be created with yoga.
  • Yoga exercises help to eliminate problems such as back and lower back pain.
  • With yoga working the whole body, blood flow is regulated. Oxygen reaches the whole body and organs.
  • It takes the mind away from modern city life and makes it easier to focus.
  • It allows you to exercise with its own weight without forcing the body.
  • The philosophy of yoga helps to remove the negative energy accumulated in the body.
  • As with many types of exercise, it supports the digestive system.

How many times a week should yoga be done?

In general, yoga has no limitations. There are different types of yoga that include various types of exercises. It is recommended that you start by choosing the program that suits you and applying it 3-4 days a week. First of all, getting training from professionals speeds up the adaptation process. In advanced stages, you can work at home by watching videos. There is no age limit to practice yoga. Sports background and setting are also not important. Anyone who wishes can start this process by taking yoga training. When you discover the program that suits you, you can better decide how many days a week and its duration. Before you start practicing yoga, you may need to do a few simple preparations. These can be listed as follows:

  • You can exercise in a comfortable area by buying a yoga mat.
  • It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothes in order not to strain in physical movements.
  • Before you start practicing yoga, you can take water and a towel with you.
  • You can use incense or scented candles to make the home environment more serene.
  • A certain schedule and timetable can be created. In this way, the benefits of regular yoga affect your body.
  • It is recommended to do warm-up exercises to prepare the body before starting yoga.

What diseases is yoga good for?

The features of yoga, such as regulating breathing, supporting the metabolism and circulatory system, provide effective contributions to your health. With increased flexibility in the body, you can feel more energetic and healthy. Studies have shown that yoga is supportive in the healing process. With its physical, mental and spiritual effects, yoga is good for many health problems listed below:

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep and eating disorders
  • Lung ailments
  • some allergies
  • Forgetfulness
  • weight problems
  • Posture disorders
  • Asthma
  • Back, waist and neck pain
  • Calcification
  • muscle ailments

Apart from these ailments, yoga prevents depression and anxiety symptoms as it helps mental comfort and calmness. It contributes to positive and positive thinking. It helps you direct your energies towards activities that benefit you. If yoga is considered not only as an exercise but as a lifestyle, it can be seen that it contributes to many different areas.

Does yoga make you slimmer?

Yoga is a calorie-burning exercise because it involves physical activity. However, calories are not burned at a level that will have a direct effect on weight loss. It helps to lose weight if applied together with the right and adequate nutrition program. A body prepared for sports with yoga can be supported with various exercise programs. When this exercise order is gained, slimming and tightening of the body are possible in a shorter time with sports.

Does yoga make the body firm?

Since yoga has exercise movements that work the whole body, it has a positive effect on burning calories. In these movements, especially the leg, abdominal and hip muscles work. When applied regularly, it both eliminates posture disorders and contributes to your tightening. In this process, you can choose a diet in accordance with the philosophy of yoga. Apart from this, you can apply nutrition and diet programs by getting support from experts. These steps facilitate the process of tightening your body. Meanwhile, your health is protected.

When are the benefits of yoga seen?

When you start practicing yoga regularly, you can immediately see its various effects. First of all, you are likely to feel its spiritual effects. It takes you away from stress and makes it easier for you to return to yourself. It accelerates your process of looking at life positively. It helps you to block the negative energy around you with your own energy. Then, as you continue the exercises, the physical benefits begin to be seen. You can feel physically relaxed in a short time as the body gets used to regular exercises and the heart is exercised. As the body gains flexibility and balance, it becomes easier to take steps for a healthy body with exercises different from yoga. By applying a program that brings order to your life, it helps you stay away from stress in social and business life.
