What are the benefits of white chickpeas, what is its nutritional value? How many calories in white chickpeas, does it make you gain weight?

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Chickpeas is a food made by roasting chickpeas and is widely consumed, especially in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. White chickpeas have a firmer texture and mild flavor than yellow chickpeas. Today, while the chickpeas made with chickpeas grown in the Aegean region are white, the chickpeas made with chickpeas grown in the Çorum region are yellow. It can be used as a snack, as well as in salads, meals, appetizers and on top of soups. It is also known as a rich source of nutrients such as protein, fiber and vitamins.

What are the benefits of white chickpeas?

White chickpeas have many benefits. Here are some:

  • High fiber content: Thanks to its high fiber content, white chickpeas can regulate the digestive system, prevent constipation and help weight control by giving a feeling of satiety.
  • Protein source: White chickpeas is a high-quality protein source that can be consumed as a meat substitute.
  • Low fat content: The low fat content of white chickpeas may help reduce the risk of cholesterol and heart disease.
  • Source of vitamins and minerals: White chickpea is a source of many vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins.
  • Blood sugar control: The low glycemic index of white chickpeas can regulate blood sugar levels and may benefit diabetics.
  • Antioxidants: The antioxidant content of white chickpeas may help reduce cell damage and reduce the risk of cancer.
  • aid digestion: The enzymes contained in white chickpeas can ease the digestive process and reduce indigestion, bloating and gas problems.
  • Skin health: Vitamin E and zinc in white chickpeas can support skin health and reduce inflammation in the skin.
  • Bone health: The calcium contained in white chickpeas is an important mineral for bone health and can increase bone density.

These benefits make white chickpeas a healthy food option. However, excessive consumption can cause gas problems, so it is recommended to consume it in a balanced way.

How many calories in white chickpeas?

The calorie amount of white chickpeas may vary depending on the type and amount. In general, 100 grams of white chickpeas contain approximately 350-380 calories. However, whether the chickpea is roasted or boiled and whether salt or spices are added to it can also affect the calorie amount. So it’s best to check the product’s label or nutritional values ​​to determine exactly how many calories it contains.

Does white chickpea make you gain weight?

White chickpeas, like other legumes, is a food with high protein and fiber content. Protein and fiber provide a feeling of fullness and result in a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, consuming white chickpeas does not cause weight gain, but it can help to lose weight in a healthy way when consumed in appropriate portions.

White chickpeas can have a relatively high calorie content compared to some high-calorie snacks. About 1 cup (100 grams) of boiled white chickpeas contains about 120-130 calories. That’s why it’s important for people with weight control goals to pay attention to their portion sizes and include them in a healthy diet plan.

What is the nutritional value of white chickpeas?

White chickpea is a food belonging to the legume family and has a very rich nutrient profile. 100 grams of white chickpeas contains approximately 364 calories and also contains these nutrients:

  • Protein: It contains about 19 grams of protein. Protein is important for muscle growth and repair.
  • Carbohydrate: It contains approximately 60 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body’s source of energy.
  • Fiber: It contains 12 grams of fiber. Fiber aids digestive health and increases the feeling of fullness.
  • Oil: It contains 5.5 grams of fat. Most of these fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy.
  • Minerals: It contains various minerals such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
  • Vitamins: White chickpeas contain various vitamins such as folate, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and vitamin E.

Therefore, white chickpea is a food with high nutritional value and a useful component for a healthy diet. However, because it is a high-calorie food, its consumption should be kept under control.

Is white chickpea good for diarrhea?

White chickpea is known to be good for constipation, but there is no clear evidence whether it is good for diarrhea. Also, regarding any health issue, it is important to consult a doctor.
