What are the benefits of Udi turkey oil, what does it do? How to use Udi turkey oil, can it be drunk?

Udi turkey plant is a Far East Asian plant that resembles cinnamon and has a stick-shaped appearance. It is known as a healing store for those who have stomach problems and upper tract problems. Udi turkey tree, which is present in almost all Asian countries, is an evergreen plant regardless of season. Udi turkey, which has a germ-breaking feature, can be used in the form of powder and oil. The oil, which has many benefits for the body, is harmful as it is with every plant oil.

Udi turkey oil is a micro-killing plant that has many uses and is believed to strengthen the immune system. In addition, oud turkey oil is a natural antibiotic, so it also heals infections. This plant, which removes bad breath and is good for nasal congestion, is also used in other fields besides alternative medicine. Because it has a sweet and sharp smell, it is used in perfumes and is used in the form of incense in some beliefs and cultures. Udi turkey oil benefits can be listed as follows:

  • It has a germ-breaking feature,
  • It helps to get rid of infections and inflammations from the body,
  • It is used in the treatment of many skin diseases such as skin burns, eczema, cuts, insect bites,
  • It is good for sore throat and stomach aches,
  • Because it is a source of antioxidants, it removes toxins in the body and thus fights cancer cells,
  • It is good for kidney and gall stones,
  • It accelerates the treatment process of seasonal diseases such as colds and flu.
  • It can open the respiratory tract and is also good for nasal congestion,
  • It has the ability to relieve fatigue and also reduces stress.

Udi turkey oil does not have any harm when consumed regularly and consciously. However, when consumed in excess, it can cause unexpected reactions in the body. For this reason, oudi turkey oil consumption should not be more than two spoons per day.

How to use Udi turkey oil?

The turkey udi plant, which comes from the Far East countries, can be used in the form of oil and powder in general. Udi turkey oil, which is among the medicinal plants, is very beneficial for human health. The turkey oudi tree, which is abundant in India and the Malaya Islands, is among the evergreen plants both in summer and winter. Also used in fragrance and beauty products in the field of alternative medicine, oudi turkey is known as a very strong germ killer. “How to use Udi turkey oil?” The question can be listed as follows:

  • Udi turkey oil can be drunk as tea,
  • Used in masks,
  • It can be mixed with molasses or honey and drunk.
  • It can also be consumed by dripping a few drops into water.

How to make Udi turkey oil?

Udi turkey plant can be sold as ready-made oil as well as in powder form. How to make oudi turkey oil at home is also among the researched topics. If it is desired to make ud turkey oil, ud turkey oil powder should be used. The preparation of oudi turkey oil is as follows: 2 teaspoons of oudi turkey powder and 2 tea glasses of pure olive oil are put into a jar. The jar is kept closed for a period of approximately 2 weeks. İbrahim Saraçoğlu’s oud turkey oil recipe is like this, and it is said that it is healthier to keep the jar in a sun-exposed area.

How to drink Udi turkey oil?

Udi turkey oil can be used and drunk in different ways according to need. For example, if it is used for an inflammation in the respiratory tract, one teaspoon should be consumed during the day for a period of 15 days. For intestinal or stomach problems, udi turkey oil can be drunk as 1 tablespoon and repeated twice daily. This practice should continue for a period of 10 days. In cases such as lung problems, urinary problems, sexual reluctance and menstrual irregularity, it can be drunk twice a day with honey. Again, this use should continue for 10 days. “What’s the use of Udi turkey oil?” When the question is faced, it helps to accelerate the healing process of many diseases according to these usage patterns. In addition, turkey udi oil helps to heal inflammation and wounds and to remove bad breath.
