What are the benefits of St. John’s Wort oil, what is it good for? Can St. John’s Wort oil be applied to the face?

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One of the most natural materials is St. John’s Wort, which grows in many places and was discovered a long time ago. St. John’s Wort is a plant that is mostly used in oil form and is said to be good for many ailments. St. John’s Wort oil, obtained from the flower and leaves of a plant called St. John’s Wort, consists of many active ingredients.

There is plenty of hypericum oil in the flower and leaves of the St. John’s Wort plant. For this reason, the oil of the St. John’s Wort plant is used and it is aimed to benefit from the different benefits of various active ingredients such as antioxidants, hypericin, bioflavonoids and hyperforin.

What are the benefits of St. John’s Wort oil?

St. John’s Wort oil, which has antibacterial properties, can be used in many areas from skin to stomach disorders. It is accepted that it is good for many ailments when used in the right amounts with the recommendation and approval of a doctor. St. John’s Wort oil, which has very strong effects and can interact with various drugs, can cause serious problems when used unconsciously.

Some of the most well-known benefits of St. John’s wort oil, which has various benefits when used consciously and under doctor’s supervision, are as follows:

  • It eliminates skin problems.
  • It is known to help get rid of fungi, bacteria and viruses.
  • It relieves constipation problems.
  • It reduces the effects of menopause.
  • It helps people who have sleeping problems.
  • It is used in the process of depression.

What is St. John’s Wort oil good for?

St. John’s Wort oil has been considered beneficial in many areas from immunity to stomach problems. Its cell renewal feature is its most well-known and utilized feature. It is used for pimples and acne. Apart from these, it is also known to be good for the following conditions:

  • Inflammation
  • Burn marks
  • To the wounds
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Effects of aging
  • Stress
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Digestive problems

How to use St. John’s Wort oil?

St. John’s Wort plant and oil are known for helping to heal wounds on the skin, skin infections or skin problems such as eczema. Regular use is recommended. However, this order and amounts should be determined by a doctor. Like any product or food, St. John’s Wort can cause various side effects both in its flowers and leaves and in its oil form. Therefore, it is dangerous to use it without a doctor’s control and approval.

If it is approved by the doctor, it should be used in the amounts and order specified. In general, it is recommended to use it for hair care once or twice a week. If it is to be used for hair, it is considered correct to apply it to the scalp at least half an hour before washing the hair.

If it is to be used for stomach problems, constipation, etc., it is recommended to use it in a quantity not exceeding 2 teaspoons per day. St. John’s wort oil, which should not be used without the approval of a specialist doctor, can cause various side effects, especially in people with allergies, sensitive bodies, pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Can St. John’s Wort oil be applied to the face?

St. John’s Wort oil, which can be used primarily in the fight against skin problems, has been accepted as beneficial for skin and skin problems. St. John’s Wort oil, which is known to eliminate skin blemishes, is known for its positive effect on various wounds, acne or burn scars. It can be applied directly to the skin or to the face as deemed appropriate by the doctor. Possible side effects are as follows:

  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Unrest
  • Feeling tired
  • Skin rashes
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Hives
  • Dizziness

St. John’s Wort is known for its different benefits in different parts of the body. If the doctor deems it appropriate and there is no adverse condition for the person, here are some of the general benefits of St. John’s Wort oil for the face, skin and hair:

St. John’s Wort Oil Benefits for the Face

  • Pimples
  • Acne
  • Scars
  • Colour tone balancing

Benefits of St. John’s Wort Oil for Skin

  • Burn marks
  • Eczema
  • Irritations
  • Faster healing of wounds
  • Closing of scars left from healing wounds

St. John’s Wort Oil Benefits for Hair

  • It soothes the scalp.
  • It eliminates dandruff problems.
  • Recommends itching.
  • It eliminates scalp problems.

Important note: The content in this content does not constitute medical advice. The content is for informational purposes only. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical health problem. If there is a health problem, a doctor should be consulted.
