What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds, what are they good for? What are the nutritional value and calories of pumpkin seeds?

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Pumpkin seeds, which are high in nutritional value, are good for many things in terms of health. This edible seed, which is rich in protein, omega 3, vitamins and carbohydrates, is among the snacks that are consumed quite frequently, especially in Turkish society. It can also be used in many bakery products such as cookies, cakes and bread for pumpkin seeds. In addition, pumpkin seeds provide healing in problems such as Alzheimer’s and attention deficit.

What are pumpkin seeds good for?

Pumpkin seeds are a product that can be consumed both roasted and raw. Each one is good for many things individually. For example; Since raw pumpkin seeds are digested much more easily, they do not tire the stomach and increase the feeling of satiety as the fiber source is higher than roasted pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds increase sperm quality and contribute positively to sexual health. In addition, pumpkin seeds are beneficial for skin and eye health, and thanks to the vitamin C in it, it is also good for healthy hair growth and shedding. The benefits of pumpkin seeds are too many to count. The benefits of pumpkin seeds can be briefly listed as follows;

  • Pumpkin seeds are helpful in preventing complications that are diabetic, such as blood sugar and high cholesterol levels.
  • Thanks to its hypoglycemic feature, it allows diabetics to better manage their blood levels.
  • Pumpkin seeds, which are a good source of magnesium, have an important role in bone formation.
  • Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds on a daily basis strengthens heart health.
  • Since pumpkin seeds are a nutrient with omega 3 and omega 6, they are a good source of antioxidants and fiber, and are also liver friendly.
  • It is a food that helps maintain weight because it gives a feeling of satiety.
  • Since pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin E, they also strengthen immunity.
  • It helps to remove inflammation in the body.
  • It is among the most ideal foods for a good sleep pattern.
  • Consuming an ideal level daily reduces the risks of breast, prostate, lung, stomach and colon cancers.

What are pumpkin seeds good for?

Pumpkin seeds, which should be kept in closed and airtight containers, have many health benefits. Pumpkin seeds support bone development, especially for children. Thanks to the valuable nutritional components in it, it is a natural treatment for many problems such as diabetes, cancer, urinary incontinence, bad cholesterol. In addition, pumpkin seeds are among the healthy snacks and allow women to relax during menopause. Since pumpkin seeds contain components that support red blood cells, they also help strengthen hair and nails.

Do pumpkin seeds benefit the prostate?

One of the most curious topics among the benefits of pumpkin seeds is “Does pumpkin seeds benefit the prostate?” subject. There are many studies that the sterols in pumpkin seeds are good for the prostate. In addition, it is also known that regularly consumed pumpkin seeds are a remedy for the disease that causes the enlargement of the prostate.

How much pumpkin seeds should be consumed per day?

Pumpkin seeds are a snack with a high amount of calories. “How many calories in pumpkin seeds?” We can answer the question as follows: The recommended daily amount of pumpkin seed consumption, which contains approximately 450 calories per 100 grams, is a handful. Pumpkin seeds, which are a food that accelerates the weight gain process, can cause stomach problems when consumed in excess. Especially individuals who are in the diet and weight loss period should be careful in the consumption of pumpkin seeds. The recommended amount should not be exceeded.

Pumpkin seeds are very high in nutritional value. The protein ratio in 100 grams of pumpkin seeds is 18.5. In addition, 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain 53.7 grams of carbohydrates, while 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain 19.4 grams of fat. In this context, pumpkin seeds can meet approximately 30 percent of the fat required by the body.
