What are the benefits of mystic tea, what is it good for? How to make and brew mystic tea?

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Mystical tea is an aromatic and creamy tea made by blending different spices such as licorice, blackberry, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, chicory and cinnamon. Mystical tea, which gains an exotic taste thanks to milk, black tea and vanilla combined with the spices it contains, is one of the teas consumed as frequently as coffee in India, England and the United States. As each of the ingredients that make up the mystic tea has its own benefits, many benefits emerge as a result of this mixture. So, what is mystic tea good for?

What does mystic tea do?

Like other herbal teas found in nature, mystical tea contains many components that are beneficial to human health. Mystical tea, which carries the individual benefits of spices, herbs and fruits, gains many useful functions by blending these ingredients. The benefits of mystic tea are as follows:

  • Thanks to the ginger and spices in it, it helps to speed up the metabolism.
  • It also prevents instant hunger crises by providing a feeling of satiety.
  • It is among the teas preferred by those who want to lose their excess weight.
  • It helps to eliminate bloating and gas problems by regulating the digestive system.
  • Thanks to the energizing power of ginger, black pepper and black tea, mystic tea makes daily life more energetic.
  • It strengthens the immune system and increases the body’s resistance against colds.
  • It creates a protective barrier against diseases that may occur.
  • It helps to reduce the pain experienced by women during menstrual periods.
  • Thanks to its aroma, it calms the sweet crises experienced by women during their menstrual periods.
  • It is good for headache.
  • With regular use, it prevents the formation of diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.
  • Thanks to the antioxidant and phytochemical contents of cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, it greatly reduces the risk of intestinal and stomach cancer.

Mystic tea, which plays a role in the prevention or elimination of various diseases and problems, should be consumed regularly and in the recommended amount. If people who are allergic or sensitive to the spices and herbs in it react after consuming this tea, consumption of mystic tea should be stopped. In addition, people with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women should consult a physician before consuming mystic tea. In order for the benefits of this tea not to turn into harm, mystic tea should be prepared correctly and consumed adequately.

How to make mystic tea?

Necessary ingredients for the mystical tea recipe, where more than one spice, milk and water meet:

  • 4 glasses of water
  • 3 cups milk (preferably vegan milk)
  • 2 tablespoons of black tea
  • 6 chopped cardamom
  • 2 teaspoons of black pepper
  • 1 piece finely cut fresh ginger
  • 10 cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks, finely chopped
  • Optional brown sugar, honey, maple or maple

How to brew mystic tea?

  • In order for your tea to have a clearer aroma, first roast all the spices on medium heat for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then add the spices and ginger you roasted in 4 glasses of water and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the boiling water from the fire and add black tea and let it brew for 10 minutes.
  • If you want to add sweetener, you can add sweetener to your tea at this stage and mix it well.
  • Heat 3 glasses of milk and froth with the help of a frother or jar.
  • Finally, strain the mixture and add the milk. Preferably, you can add tea to more than half of your cup and complete the cup with milk.

If you are limited in time or want to prepare your mystic tea more practically, you can prepare this tea with the help of a french press. So, how to brew mystic tea with a french press?

  • As a first step, rinse your french press with boiled water so that you can consume your tea hotter.
  • Boil 4 glasses of water with the help of a heater.
  • Then add 1 tablespoon of the mixture given above to your french press.
  • Add the boiling water to the mixture and brew for 4 minutes.
  • Then add black tea and brew for another 5 minutes.
  • Finally, strain the brewed tea and add milk.

Does mystic tea weaken?

We have unwanted weight due to many reasons such as sleep patterns, stress, hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle or irregular diet. In order to lose weight, many of us resort to natural methods instead of medical drugs. At the beginning of these methods, herbal teas that develop weakening functions come. Herbal teas, which we use in the treatment and prevention of different diseases or disorders, also play a role in getting rid of excess weight.

It is among the herbal teas that gain weakening functions with the effect of the spices in mystic tea. It also prevents instant hunger crises by providing a feeling of satiety after consumption. This tea, which takes its place in the diet lists, meets the expectations of those who want to lose weight, besides sports and diet.

Does mystic tea cause menstruation?

Recurrent menstrual periods of women in an average 28-day period; It can become irregular due to various reasons such as hormonal changes, stress, changes in diet. At this point, women find natural methods more reliable than chemical drugs. At this point, many women apply to herbal teas, which they can both benefit from and consume as a menstrual reliever.

Mystical tea is the tea that relieves the pain experienced by women during their menstrual periods and soothes the sweet crises experienced by women in this process thanks to its aroma. However, the cinnamon contained in it has an effect that delays the menstrual period, unlike the effect of parsley or similar menstrual removers. For this reason, mystic tea is not considered among the menstrual teas, but on the contrary, it can be counted among the teas that delay menstruation.
