What are the benefits of melon peel? What is melon peel good for?

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Melon has already taken its place at the top of the bazaar, market and greengrocer stalls. For years, we made the same mistake about the melon, which is one of the symbols of summer. Melon peels are just as useful as melons.

What are the benefits of melon peel?

It is good for the digestive system: Ibn Sina, who is known as the father of early medicine, made important recommendations by pointing to the melon peel. Talking about the benefits of melon peel in his book, Ibn-i Sina states that especially when the melon peel is boiled and the juice is drunk, it is good for the digestive system.

Supports skin health: Melon peel can be used in many ways from skin care to eye care. Another benefit that few people know is that among the benefits of melon peel, its benefits for psoriasis and eczema are also noteworthy. Now you can reap the benefits instead of throwing away the melon peel.

Ibn-i Sina states the benefits of melon in his book called El Kanun Fi’t-Tıbb. Other known benefits of melon peel are as follows:

  • You can do skin care by applying the peel of the melon on your face.
  • Effective for eye care
  • Cleanses and moisturizes the skin
  • heals acne
  • Good for vitiligo
  • Good for kidney and bladder stones
  • When boiled and drunk, it regulates the digestive system.
  • Provides weight loss by creating a feeling of satiety
  • Repairs damaged cells in the immune system
  • Good for psoriasis and eczema
  • Good for hair loss
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle
  • Prevents heart rhythm disorder
  • Beneficial in cardiovascular diseases
  • Cleanse the skin from dead cells
