What are the benefits of marjoram tea? How to make Marjoram Tea?

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The name “marjoram”, which is translated from Persian into our language, means “joy of the mountain”. There are rumors about the meaning of marjoram, which are the subject of ancient stories. The most well-known of the narrations told is about the unique scent of marjoram plant, which attracted Aphrodite’s attention. According to this rumor, the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, likes the unique scent of marjoram and imagines this scent as a symbol of happiness. According to another rumor, if marjoram blooms on someone’s grave, that person will live happily and peacefully in eternal life.

Marjoram, also known as “oregano”, is a member of the mint family and has a strong scent. This plant, which can be grown easily in the Mediterranean climate, is also called “thyme herb” in some regions. However, there is no similarity in shape between these two plants. The marjoram plant, which comes to life in the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts, can be grown in the greenhouse, garden or pot. However, like most plants, it is envisaged to be grown in fields or large gardens due to the need for fertile soil.

The most common usage area of ​​marjoram plant, which has many uses, is to take the form of spice by drying this plant. The spice of this plant, which takes its place at the top especially in fish dishes, also contains many healings like itself. Another alternative to benefiting from the benefits of the marjoram plant is to take the form of tea by brewing the marjoram plant. This tea takes its place among the healing teas that have a lot of benefits for human health. So, what is marjoram tea good for?

What does marjoram tea do?

Many people avoid the use of medical drugs in the treatment of different diseases and ailments and resort to natural healing resources. The most widely used of these sources is herbal teas. These teas, which are prepared by brewing some plants and fruits, can help in the treatment of some diseases as well as play a great role in the prevention of some diseases. Marjoram tea, which is made by brewing the marjoram plant, which is considered among the medicinal plants, provides numerous benefits to human health. Marjoram tea benefits are as follows:

  • It prevents the formation of muscle spasms by minimizing muscle pain.
  • It helps relieve headache. In particular, it helps to minimize the pain of sinusitis.
  • It plays a role in the prevention of certain diseases by protecting the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  • It helps to lower blood pressure.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it creates a protective barrier against the formation of viruses and bacteria.
  • It minimizes complaints such as fatigue and weakness.
  • It helps relieve pain after bee sting or insect bite.
  • By regulating the function of the digestive system, it prevents constipation, diarrhea, bloating and indigestion problems.
  • It is good for menstrual pain in women’s menstrual processes that repeat in 28 days.
  • It carries ingredients that help increase libido.
  • It has cell regenerative properties.
  • It relieves stomach spasms.
  • It is good for dental health and mouth sores.
  • In case of gum problems, this tea can be gargled to minimize the problem.
  • It shows appetite enhancing properties.

The most important point of benefiting from the benefits of marjoram tea, which has multiple benefits for human health, is to prepare this tea correctly. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using this tea, which has an auxiliary role in the treatment process of some diseases. So, how to make marjoram tea?

What is the Marjoram Tea Recipe?

Ingredients for Marjoram Tea Recipe:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon dried marjoram

How to brew marjoram tea?

  • Boil a glass of water and add a teaspoon of marjoram to the boiling water.
  • Boil a potpourri mixture, then turn off the fire.
  • Let the tea you take from the fire brew for 5 minutes. Then you can serve.

In another way, you can prepare your tea by adding 1 teaspoon of dried marjoram to 1 glass of warm water until your tea gets its color.

Does marjoram tea weaken?

Many reasons such as poor diet, hormonal changes or stress cause extra pounds. Those who want to get rid of their excess weight or to maintain healthy weight control resort to natural ways instead of medical drugs. One of them is the consumption of tea, which regulates the digestive system, accelerates metabolism and prevents instant hunger crises. Marjoram tea, on the other hand, is one of the teas that regulates the function of the digestive system, although it has appetizing functions. In addition to a correct nutritional level, marjoram tea can help to lose weight.

Does marjoram tea make menstruation break?

During the menstrual period, which repeats in an average of 28 days, it can sometimes become irregular for different reasons. In order to ensure this order and start the menstrual period, women resort to natural ways instead of medical drugs. Women apply to herbal teas not only before this period, but also to relieve the pain and spasms they experience during their menstrual periods.

Although marjoram tea does not have menstrual expectorant properties, it has an important place among teas that minimize menstrual pain. This tea, which also develops calming functions, is among the teas consumed by women during their menstrual periods, not for the purpose of removing menstruation.
