What are the benefits of kefir?

Kefir is a trendy and fizzy drink made from fruits or fermented milk, known for its health benefits. Renowned as a natural probiotic, kefir improves the intestinal microbiota. Discover its virtues, the quantity to consume per day and the contraindications of kefir.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a drink made from fermented milk, famous for its benefits on the intestinal microbiota. Kefir grains were discovered a few thousand years ago in the mountainous region of Eurasia (Caucasus). Kefir grains are obtained by fermentation of milk, which are then dried, dehydrated and fragmented. When a substance, such as milk, undergoes chemical transformations under the influence of micro-organisms, in particular bacteria and yeasts, it is called fermentation. In the case of kefir, the milk becomes a thicker and fizzier drink, hence its name “milk champagne”. And according to Marine Bauchet Astier, dietician-nutritionist, “the longer the drink ferments, the fizzier it is. Kefir is a drink that is inexpensive and quite easy to make at home. In this drink based on water or milk, sugar and kefir grains, just place a fig at the bottom of the glass container. The fig is an indicator of fermentation: when it comes to the surface, it means the kefir is ready to be consumed. The drink is a natural probiotic that has anti-inflammatory properties.” Kefir has a sour taste, but can also be flavored with fruit (fruit kefir). It is possible to consume kefir after 24 hours of fermentation, as soon as the famous fig rises to the surface.

What are the benefits of kefir for the intestines?

Kefir is known to be a natural probiotic : it limits the proliferation of potentially pathogenic bacteria while reseeding the intestinal flora with bacteria with many benefits for the digestive sphere. “kefir strengthens the digestive system, improves transit, reduces the risk of infection and decreases constipation, says the specialist. And to complete “kefir also reduces cholesterol in the arteries and contributes to good cardiovascular health. Kefir can be consumed for optimize the microbiota or after antibiotic therapy to rebalance the intestinal flora. The fermented drink is also rich in vitamin B, involved in many metabolic reactions, playing a role in energy production and participating in the proper functioning of the nervous system.

What are the benefits of kefir for the skin?

Kefir would have benefits for the skin, even if scientific studies are absent in this area. “Overall, people who consult me ​​and who consume kefir are quite satisfied with the benefits of kefir on their skin. The drink provides a good-looking effect and a luminosity in the complexion. She reduces skin symptoms of eczema, both on the body and on the face. kefir reduces acne and the shiny appearance on the face caused by excess sebum“, specifies Marine Bauchet Astier. How to explain the benefits of kefir on the skin? The specialist has her idea: the microbiota does not only act at the intestinal level, it plays a role at the level of the whole organism. By improving the quality of its microbiota, benefits are visible on the skin by snowball effect”.

Is kefir a probiotic?

“Kefir is a natural probiotic, as it is rich in bacteria and yeasts. Thanks to its very beneficial effects on the intestinal microbiota, the drink helps to good digestion. We reintroduce good bacteria and good yeasts also for the digestive tract so that all the reactions work properly. Indeed, often we have a digestive tract that is too acidic or too basic, and kefir can help rebalance the pH“, emphasizes the nutritionist.

Does it make you lose weight?

No study proves that kefir makes you lose weight. On the other handit can contribute to weight loss, as part of a healthy and balanced diet, without forgetting physical activity. And according to the expert, “what is certain is that kefir improves digestion and reduces abdominal pain. By contributing to good intestinal health and promoting transit, kefir undoubtedly contributes to better elimination.“However, the dietician-nutritionist specifies that the slimming effect is not the priority that must be sought,”we consume kefir especially for the microbiota and the intestinal flora“.

How much kefir to drink per day?

As with everything, kefir should not be drunk in large quantities. One or two glasses a day seems sufficient. I advise to start with small quantities, until reaching the ideal quantity according to the feelings, very variable according to each one. In any case, this drink should never replace water. I recommend it often as a cure rather than for daily consumption”, says the expert.

When is the best time of day to drink kefir?

The ideal is to consume kefir between meals, during the day, when the microbiota is functioning and the digestive tract is operational. Otherwise, the drink is consumed throughout the day.

What are the dangers of kefir?

Kefir is not recommended in case of chronic and/or serious pathology, hypotension or during ongoing treatment (antidepressants, antibiotics, antifungals). A medical opinion is then essential. In people with inflammatory disease, irritable bowel syndrome (SII) or a severely disturbed transit, a consultation with the doctor is essential before considering consuming the sparkling drink, at the risk of damaging the intestinal flora“, warns the specialist. In addition, traces of alcohol can be found in kefir. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should seek advice from their doctor first. The drink contains sugar, it is not suitable for diabetic patients. On the other hand, kefir seems to be well tolerated in people who are lactose intolerant.

Thanks to Marine Bauchet Astier, dietitian-nutritionist.
