What are the benefits of iodine, what does iodine solution do? When should iodine be taken, in which foods?

Iodine is one of the substances necessary for the body. Iodine deficiency can cause an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) and low thyroid hormone levels. Therefore, it is important to take iodine regularly. Iodine can be found in foods such as seafood, dairy products, and iodized salt. There are also iodine supplements available. However, excessive iodine intake can also be harmful, so it is important to avoid taking supplements without a doctor’s advice.

Iodine is a very important mineral for the human body and has many benefits. The benefits of iodine are as follows:

  • It ensures the healthy functioning of the thyroid glands: Iodine is included in the structure of thyroid hormones produced in the thyroid glands and helps to produce these hormones in a healthy way.
  • Regulates metabolism: There is a close relationship between the production of thyroid hormones and metabolism, and the contribution of iodine to the production of thyroid hormones helps regulate metabolism.
  • Supports growth and development: It is especially important for the growth and development of babies and children.
  • Strengthens the immune system: It helps strengthen the immune system and helps the body fight infections.
  • Protects eye health: It is an important mineral for eye health and has a protective effect against eye diseases, especially in old age.
  • It helps the formation of healthy skin, hair and nails: It plays a role in the formation of healthy skin, hair and nails and contributes to keeping these tissues healthy.
  • Supports intelligence and memory: It supports intelligence and memory functions and is an important mineral for brain health.
  • Prevents anemia: It supports the production of blood cells and thus helps prevent anemia.
  • Protects heart health: It is an important mineral for heart health and helps regulate heart rhythm.
  • Prevents infections: It helps prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi and has a protective effect against infections.

When should iodine be taken?

Iodine is an important mineral for the body and must be taken regularly. Iodine deficiency can cause many health problems. The following recommendations can be given about when to take iodine:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period: It is important to get enough iodine for maternal and infant health during pregnancy and lactation. Iodine deficiency can cause mental retardation, hearing loss and developmental disorders in the baby.
  • Thyroid diseases: Iodine is needed for the production of thyroid hormones. Those with thyroid disease or thyroid hormone deficiency can take iodine supplements at doses recommended by their doctor.
  • Those at risk of iodine deficiency: Iodine deficiency is more common in some regions for reasons such as not enough iodine in salt. Those who live in these areas and do not consume seafood should take iodine supplements.

What does iodine solution do?

Iodine solution is an antiseptic used for many different purposes. Since iodine is a powerful antiseptic that kills germs, it is used for the treatment of various skin infections and wounds. In addition, iodine solution can be used for surface disinfection and sterilization. Iodine solution is used in some medical tests. For example, radioactive iodine can be used to evaluate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine solution can also be used to diagnose infections in the skin. The solution causes a purple-colored patch to appear on the skin if there is an infection caused by bacteria on the skin.

Caution should be exercised when using iodine solution because using it in very high concentrations can damage the skin. It is recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist before using iodine solution.

What foods contain iodine?

Iodine is found in many different foods, such as seafood, seaweed, dairy products, and iodized salt. Iodine is an essential mineral for the healthy functioning of your body and plays a role in the production of thyroid hormones. Seafood, especially oily fish such as crab, shrimp, oysters and salmon, is rich in iodine. Seaweed is one of the most concentrated sources of iodine, and there are different types such as nori, wakame, and kombu. Dairy products, especially milk, yogurt and cheese, also contain iodine. Iodized salt can be used to increase the iodine intake of people at risk for iodine deficiency. However, it is important to keep your salt intake under control and avoid excessive salt consumption. Also, adequate iodine intake during pregnancy is very important for the healthy development of the baby.

What are the diseases seen in iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency occurs when the body does not get enough iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral for the healthy functioning of the body and plays a role in the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency can cause the thyroid gland to be larger than normal (goiter) or underproduction of thyroid hormones. Since iodine deficiency causes a decrease in the production of thyroid gland hormones, it can cause many diseases related to the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency diseases are often as follows:

  • Goiter: It is a condition characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter due to insufficient iodine needed to keep the thyroid gland in its normal size.
  • Hypothyroidism: It is a condition in which the metabolic rate decreases and body functions slow down due to the thyroid gland not producing enough hormones. Iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism.
  • mental retardation: Iodine deficiency can cause severe mental retardation, especially during the brain development of the unborn baby.
  • Cretinism: Iodine deficiency, which the mother receives during pregnancy due to iodine deficiency, is a condition that causes physical and mental disabilities in the baby.
  • Congenital anomalies: Iodine deficiency can cause some physical anomalies in the baby during birth.
