What are the benefits of chia seeds? What are Chia Seeds used for?

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Many new foods have emerged recently to eat healthy, stay fit, and add flavor to foods or beverages. Chia seeds, which are added to many foods served at tables, at dinner parties or as treats, along with sweet or salty foods, have become a well-known and loved food for their many benefits to human health, thanks to the beneficial minerals and vitamins they contain.

What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds are a food that contains many minerals and vitamins, especially fiber and protein, and is also known as the small seeds of the Salvia hispanica L. plant. Chia seed, which does not contain gluten and is known for its health benefits, is a food that is considered to be beneficial in many matters from blood sugar to heart health.

Since its taste does not differ between sweet and salty, it can accompany both sweet and salty foods. Especially in recent years, chia seeds, which are very common in Turkish cuisine, have started to accompany traditional flavors such as Ashura.

What are the benefits of chia seeds?

Chia seed benefits vary depending on the vitamins and minerals it contains. Chia seeds, which have beneficial and protective properties for human health when consumed consciously and as much as necessary, are one of the foods that should not be used regularly and continuously without consulting a doctor specialized in this field.

Some of the most well-known benefits of chia seeds are:

  • It protects and supports bone health.
  • It is known to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer.
  • It has the feature of strengthening the immune system.
  • It regulates blood sugar and has the ability to protect the person against insulin resistance.
  • It has a high rate of reducing inflammation.
  • It helps in lowering blood pressure level and triglyceride levels.
  • It regulates the digestive system and improves digestive activities.
  • It increases the omega 3 fatty acid ratio in the blood.

What are chia seeds used for?

Chia seeds, which have many benefits thanks to the minerals such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, fight against free radicals in the body with the antioxidants they contain.

Doctors who are experts in their field explain the benefits of chia seeds for bone health with the magnesium, phosphorus and magnesium minerals they contain. In addition, chia seeds, which contain high fiber, are seen as beneficial for diabetic patients in the long term.

How to use chia seeds?

Due to its high fiber content, chia seeds are also known to help activate the intestines. However, the possibility of negative situations that may occur in case of excessive and unconscious consumption, which is valid for all foods, also applies to chia seeds.

Chia seeds can be used in salads, desserts, meals, raw or cooked, to increase the visuality or nutritional value of the dish, salad or dessert. Chia seeds can also be used in making bread, soup or smoothies.

What are chia seeds used for?

Chia seeds, which are included in the nutrition lists that many dietitians recommend and prepare for their clients today, can be used for many purposes and in different ways. Chia seeds are among the main food choices of people who want to lose weight, maintain their weight and eat healthy.

Chia seeds can be used by adding them to puddings, cereals, yoghurt or milk. Chia seeds, which can be preferred for breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner, are generally used by people who are on a diet, as they make you feel full for a long time with the fiber content they contain.

Do chia seeds make you lose weight?

Chia seeds, which are frequently seen in diet lists given by specialist doctors, are a food that can be consumed at every meal. Since it does not have a distinct, sharp taste like sweet or salty, it can be used in both desserts and savory dishes.

If chia seeds are to be consumed for their weight loss properties, they should be consumed in the amounts and number of meals prescribed by a dietitian who is an expert in this field. In general, according to the common opinion of dietitians, chia seeds are a food that should be consumed no more than 2 tablespoons a day.
