What are the benefits of black cumin? What is black cumin good for?

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Black cumin, which can be used in different ways as a spice in its dry form or in oil form, is known for its benefits. It has various benefits and areas of use, from healing wounds to reducing pain, from being helpful in the treatment processes of various ailments to the flavor it adds to meals.
It is known that black cumin is grown mostly in Western Asia, the Middle East and Europe and mostly in Konya in our country. It has been accepted as a natural medical drug in the Middle East and Far East countries with both its seeds and oil. It has also been used in the treatment processes of various diseases since it was first discovered.

Its composition contains large amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates. In addition, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9 are also included in the composition of black cumin. In addition, it contains minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and sodium.

What are the benefits of black cumin?

Used worldwide for many years, black cumin is a seed used in ancient Greek and Arabic medicine. Black cumin seeds and black cumin oil have been used as a type of treatment to improve various health problems. From colds to intestinal problems, black cumin has been used for many issues.

There are many accepted benefits of black cumin, which can be used in various forms. With its components, black cumin seed is considered beneficial in many ways due to its antibacterial properties. The most known benefits can be listed as follows:

  • Both the oil form, seeds and grains are used as antimicrobials.
  • It is used to regulate blood pressure.
  • It is also known to be used for various skin problems in children.
  • It is used in allergic cases.
  • Recommended for asthma and respiratory disorders.

What is black cumin good for?

It is accepted that eating black cumin on an empty stomach in the morning has benefits, but no matter what form black cumin is in, It should not be consumed unconsciously. It is recommended not to use without consulting a doctor..

Black cumin, which can be used in various foods, salads and pastries, is a food that is loved and preferred for its benefits as well as its flavor. It is said that the daily consumption amount should not exceed 1 teaspoon every day. However, it is important to consume it consciously and with the approval of a doctor. It is accepted that black cumin is good for the following issues:

  • Decrease in menstrual pain
  • Regulation of bleeding during menstrual period
  • Balancing cases where the menstrual cycle is irregular
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Stomach diseases
  • Various gynecological diseases
  • Ulcer treatment
  • Skin disorders
  • Runny nose
  • Allergic disorders
  • Balancing blood sugar

Is there any harm in black seed?

Black cumin can be consumed in both oil and grain form with cheese, on pastries, in salads or with similar foods. However, like any food, black cumin should not be consumed without a doctor’s approval regardless of its form. Incorrect consumption or use, or consuming more than the required daily dose can also cause problems. It should be used carefully, otherwise it can cause serious damage or side effects, especially in some bodies. Some of the possible side effects are:

  • It can cause kidney problems.
  • It may cause allergic conditions.
  • It may cause liver damage.
  • Especially for pregnant women, it can be harmful to the health of both the mother and the baby.
  • For people who use medication, it can cause internal diseases when combined with the components of some medications.
  • It may be harmful to mothers who are breastfeeding.

Important note: This content is not a medical advice content. The content is for informational purposes only. It is not right to use it for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or medical problem. People with a medical problem should definitely consult a doctor.
