What are the benefits of baking soda, what is it good for?

Baking soda, which is mostly heard in the cleaning field, is also known for its various benefits to human health. Baking soda, whose benefits are increasingly being discovered and whose areas of use are expanding, is a natural material and therefore is one of the most frequently preferred options for both personal care and various health problems and complaints. Baking soda, which can be easily obtained, sold in markets, grocery stores or purchased from herbalists, is used in almost every area of ​​life.

What are the benefits of bicarbonate of soda?

Baking soda is described in chemistry as a salt of carbonic acid. It can be purchased ready-made or combined with different substances. The benefits of baking soda, which is claimed to be good for various ailments when mixed with other substances, are as follows:

  • Cleans and whitens teeth.
  • It helps facilitate digestion.
  • It is good for throat infections.
  • It cleanses the skin when used in mask making.
  • It is used as a cleaning material in house cleaning and provides hygiene.
  • Provides lightening in the tone of hair color.
  • It prevents the formation of dandruff.

What is bicarbonate of soda good for?

Baking soda is essentially a chemical substance. It is in powder form and white. It can be used for many different issues from stomach health to skin health. Some of the conditions and ailments it is good for are:

  • Cleaning
  • Yellowing of teeth
  • -Black spots on the skin
  • Stomach problems
  • Indigestion

    What is the use of bicarbonate of soda?

Although excessive consumption can cause various problems, baking soda also has many benefits for the skin. It is also used in the preparation stages of various care and cleansing masks. Consult a doctor before use. Baking soda, which is also used in cleaning, is generally found in every home. The situations in which it is useful vary.

Carbonated water is an example of it coming together with other substances. It is known that carbonated water has many health benefits. Carbonated water, which has been used since ancient times, has the following believed benefits:

  • It is known that baking soda mixed with water gives energy.
  • When mixed with water, the baking soda that gives alkaline water properties to normal water relaxes the body.
  • It contributes to the functioning of the body.
  • It supports the absorption of necessary oxygen by the tissues.
  • Combining water with carbonate increases the PH (Power Of Hydrogen) value of the water.
  • It helps to cleanse the body from toxins.
  • It neutralizes stomach acid and controls acids that damage the stomach wall.
  • It helps with gas problems.
  • It relieves indigestion.
  • It protects teeth and oral health.
  • Gargling with carbonated water cleans the stains on your teeth.

Another form of baking soda is formed when mixed with lemon. The benefits of lemon and baking soda are mostly used for cleaning. Lemon increases its effect even more when mixed with baking soda due to the citric acid it contains.

What are the harms of baking soda?

Baking soda, which has various positive effects on oral health, dental health and stomach health, can also cause serious harm as a result of excessive use or unconscious consumption. For this reason, it is essential to consult a doctor before using it regularly to improve any health problem. If used unconsciously, it may cause the following problems:

  • Heart diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Irritation in the stomach
  • Swelling
  • Kidney problems
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Various damages to the skin

It is essential to see a doctor before using baking soda, especially for people with certain allergies, those with chronic illnesses, those on ongoing medication, and those who use regular medication, who should be careful when consuming it.

Important note: This content is not medical advice. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical problem. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
