What are the benefits and harms of mussels? How do you know if the mussel is fresh?

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Although it is popular as ‘dolma’ and ‘pan’, there are many ways to eat in the world. It is highly nutritious and can be consumed both raw and cooked. While some people do not put the mussel in their mouth, others can consume dozens of them in one sitting. It is a fixed sea creature and is responsible for filtering sea water. While this is beneficial for the seas, it is not so for humans. While filtering sea water, it also takes harmful substances in the water. This can become a threat to human health. For this purpose, the threat is tried to be minimized with controlled aquaculture in our country.

Calories and Nutritional Value of Mussels

Mussels are not a high-calorie food. It has a calorie because of the amount of rice it contains in dishes made such as stuffed and pan. Its nutritional value is high because it is a sea creature.

Quantity : 100g

Calories (kcal) : 148

Fat (gr): 1.95

Carbs (mg): 5.13

Protein (g): 25.55

What are the Benefits of Mussels?

Since mussel is a seafood product, it is very rich in vitamins and minerals. The fat content is very low. For this reason, it is healthier than other meat products. It is very beneficial when it is grown according to hygiene rules.

Contains the necessary iron for the body

The daily iron requirement of our body is about 10-15 mg. There is 3.31 grams of iron in 100 grams. This ratio shows that mussels are very rich as an iron source. As a result of not getting enough iron in our body, ailments such as headache, irritability and fatigue can occur. Severe anemia can cause anemia among the people. With the amount of iron in this sea creature, it provides the iron you need.

Provides protein support

Protein is a very essential component for your body. It performs important activities such as nutrition of the muscles, water balance of the body, synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Proteins are found in areas such as skin, hair and nails inside and outside the body. The proteins you get from the outside are of vegetable and animal origin. Proteins of animal origin can cause cholesterol due to the excess amount of fat in them. The amount of fat in the mussel is low. Low amount of fat is very important for human health.

Contains vitamins A, C and B12

The daily requirement for vitamin C differs between men and women. The vitamin C in the mussel is sufficient to meet the daily need in the body. Vitamin C regulates blood flow and strengthens the vessel wall. Vitamin B12 is essential for the activities that take place in the body. It is the vitamin that makes you vigorous and energetic. Being vigorous and energetic means protecting heart health. For this reason, heart palpitations occur in vitamin B12 deficiency. Mussels, on the other hand, more than meet the necessary vitamin B12. Balanced consumption of vitamin A has positive effects on eye health and immune system. It contains about 72 micrograms of vitamin A in one serving. This is enough to meet your daily needs.

Rich in Omega 3

Omega 3 are fatty acids that are not produced by the body and taken from outside. It is used in many functions in the body. It is one of the structural elements of the brain, eye and skin. When omega 3 is not taken for a long time, it causes skin dryness, eczema and dry eyes. For this reason, it must be taken into the body regularly. Like most sea creatures, mussels are an important source of omega 3. In excess intake, it can trigger cholesterol with the amount of fat in its content. It should not be overdone.

Helps thyroid glands work properly

Thyroid glands enable the body to produce necessary hormones and improve metabolism. When the thyroid glands do not work properly, the immune system weakens and in your body; causes fatigue, hair loss and muscle pain. Mussels, which are rich in selenium, ensure the correct functioning of the thyroid glands and meet the needs of the body.

Increases energy with carbohydrates

When you eat, the energy need is first met from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the primary energy source. In addition to giving energy when taken into the body, it is also effective on brain and nervous system functions. In its blue and cooked form, mussels have a high carbohydrate content. This increases your energy.

Has an aphrodisiac effect

Does mussels increase sexual power is a subject that everyone wonders. An aphrodisiac is a substance that stimulates and enhances sexual desire. Mussels are the most well-known food as an aphrodisiac. Thousands of studies have been done on whether this effect is real or not. It has been understood that the effect is due to the zinc in its content. Zinc is a libido enhancer and a substance that increases the hormone progesterone. In case of excessive zinc intake, sexual desire increases. On the contrary, it can cause impotence in men. It is very important to consume it in a controlled manner.

How to Tell If Mussels Are Fresh?

  • Its freshness can be understood first by looking at its outer shell. The outer shell must be smooth and clean. When the outside is eaten dirty, harmful bacteria in the shell can cause diseases.
  • The color should be vibrant. If there is a pale color of the mussel material, which is usually sold as stuffed, it may be spoiled. If you haven’t bought it as stuffed, make sure the shell is closed to see if it’s fresh.
  • If you are going to buy it frozen, do not forget to check the expiry date, as with other ready-made foods.

What are the harms of mussels?

  • Since it undertakes the task of filtering in the sea, it can adversely affect human health with its harmful substances.
  • As a result of undercooking, the bacteria in it can continue their vital activities and negatively affect intestinal functions.
  • While it can repair damage caused by bacteria or toxins in healthy people, it is not the same for the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. These bacteria and toxins can cause deadly effects.
  • Allergy is a common condition in our society. It can cause stomach cramps as a result of allergies.
  • The mussel is a rock creature. It has the ability to hold heavy metals such as mercury at the bottom of the sea. This can also cause cancer.
  • Excessive consumption can cause diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.
  • The freshness of the mussels is another important issue. Can cause food poisoning when not fresh
  • In case of eating and poisoning by pregnant women, the baby is also adversely affected. Pregnant women are generally not recommended to eat mussels. But in some cases, eating a small amount won’t do any harm. It is important to adjust the dose.
