What are the benefits and harms of caviar? How is caviar consumed?

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These fish are female sturgeon and kipperfish that grow in the Caspian Sea. The reason why caviar, which has many benefits for health, reaches consumers at a high price, is that it is very laborious to produce. For the production of caviar, first of all, sturgeon or kipperfish are hunted very carefully, then their live bellies are slit, their eggs are taken, and they are planted again and thrown into the sea. Thus, eggs can be taken 3-4 times from these fish, whose numbers have decreased. Care must be taken while catching these fish, otherwise the fish will release poison and cover its eggs with poison and render it unusable. Caviar prices are high because of the high level of attention it requires, the production process and the scarcity of this valuable fish.

It can be said that the black variety of caviar, which has 3 different types as white, red and black, is the best quality. While it is known that the best quality caviar is found in Russia and Iran, it is useful to wait for the winter season to eat the best caviar.

Calories and Nutritional Value of Caviar

Quantity: 100 grams

Calories (kcal): 262

Fat (g): 15

Carbs (mg): 3.3

Protein (g): 26.9

Benefits of Caviar

Caviar, which has a very rich content in terms of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, is very useful for body health.

1. Contains rich vitamins

Caviar is a rich source of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, and E. While these vitamins help the person to develop healthier, they also prevent the deterioration of the cell membrane. In addition, the amount of vitamins in it meets the daily vitamin need if the caviar is consumed as much as a tablespoon. This is common cold, flu, etc. prevents catching diseases.

2. Rich in essential oils

Caviar, which has a rich content of omega 3 and other essential oils, helps strengthen the immune system. It is known that black caviar, which is especially taken among quality caviar, contains 1000 milligrams of the essential oil needed daily.

3. Contains rich mineral

Minerals, which have a very important effect for the body, are abundant in caviar. The zinc mineral, which is especially good for colds, is abundant in caviar. Thanks to zinc, the body will be resistant to viruses, as antibodies against microbes are produced. However, it should not be forgotten that consumption of more than 75 milligrams of zinc per day will do more harm than good to the immune system.

4. Improves the brain

Caviar, thanks to the vitamin B12 it contains, ensures that the mind is more active, vigorous and more productive, and has an important share in brain development. Regular consumption of caviar helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and alleviates the effects of this disease. For this reason, regular consumption of caviar, especially from the age of 40, will help to take precautions against Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Increases sexual power

Known for its energizing properties, caviar is one of the foods that have a natural aphrodisiac effect. It especially helps to solve the sexual problems of older men. By increasing the sperm count of black caviar, it helps to produce quality sperm. It is known that caviar is also thrown into drugs that increase sexual desire.

6. Good for the skin

Thanks to its content, caviar fights against skin wrinkles. It fights against wrinkles by increasing the endurance of the epithelial tissue in the skin and mucous membranes of vitamin A, through its skin regenerating feature. It also helps the skin to gain a bright and healthy appearance. It is known that many cosmetic companies benefit from this feature of caviar and use caviar in the production of creams and other cosmetic products they produce. Caviar, which can be used in every part of the body, is also a natural treatment method for healing open wounds.

7. Prevents night blindness

Caviar is one of the foods recommended for patients who have vision problems or who have completely lost their sight, especially in an insufficient light environment. Thanks to the retinol it contains, it prevents night blindness and helps to ensure visual harmony as well as protects the sense of sight.

8. Fights against fatigue

Thanks to the rich protein and minerals in it, caviar is effective against weakness and fatigue. Consuming caviar, especially for people who are constantly fatigued, helps to relieve this fatigue and protect their energy. In addition, caviar provides the energy that energy drinks can give in a much healthier way, especially to people who exercise.

How is Caviar Consumed?

Caviar, which is very beneficial for body health, has different consumption patterns.

  • One of the most preferred types of caviar consumption consists of a mixture of 1 egg, 100 g of black caviar, and a teaspoon of butter. For this mixture, first of all, eggs and butter are mixed and caviar is added to it. You can eat this mixture by spreading it on your bread, in spoons of caviar, or accompanied by olives, onions and lemon with fish.
  • The other recipe consists of a mixture of 100 grams of caviar, 150 ml of olive oil and half a tea glass of lemon juice. In order to make this mixture, first of all, the caviar must be mixed in the food processor for 5 minutes, then slowly added olive oil and lemon juice and whisked. This mixture can be consumed by spreading on bread or served with fish.
  • It is also possible to consume caviar by frying. For this, 300 grams of black caviar, 2 tablespoons of flour, salt, oil will be enough. Washed and drained black caviar is removed from its membranes, dipped in salted flour and fried.

It is possible to say that people who want to consume caviar can find the caviar in the freshest fishermen. It can be said that the prices vary between 100 lira and 2500 lira. The reason why the prices of caviar are so high is the difficulty in production and the difficulty of availability. The places where caviar can be bought cheaper and fresher can be shown as fishermen in coastal towns. It is also possible to buy canned caviar from markets other than fishermen.

Harms of Caviar

  • Consumption of caviar above the daily requirement causes excessive intake of B12, minerals and vitamins to the body. This can cause problems for the kidneys and urinary system.
  • May cause edema formation. The reason for this is that it can hold a high amount of salt in it.
  • The rich food sources it contains can cause serious allergic reactions (such as diarrhea, vomiting, skin rash) in unfamiliar bodies.
