What are kinesitherapy exercises, what are they good for? Can you increase height with kinesitherapy?

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Kinesitherapy is a treatment method that prioritizes movement. It has become a very popular method used in the treatment of many diseases in recent years. It is a drug-free and non-surgical treatment method. In this sense, kinesitherapy treatment method is carried out through exercises. These exercises, which are included in the program specially prepared by the physical therapist and made by the patient, contribute to the easy recovery of the person in a painless and painless way.

What are kinesitherapy exercises?

Kinesitherapy, which means treatment with movement, is derived from the Greek word “kinein”. This method of treatment uses the healing power of movement. In this physical therapy method, which is applied in the company of experienced physical therapists, personalized treatment programs are applied. Kinesitherapy has many benefits. It has many benefits such as increasing one’s sports performance, identifying the factors that trigger allergies, facilitating the recovery of some diseases and stopping the progression of some diseases. In addition, since it is a drug-free and non-surgical treatment method, the treatment is done with exercise.

One of the basic treatment methods of kinesitherapy is exercises. Exercises are used in almost all treatments with kinesitherapy. The purpose of exercise is to increase the range of motion and muscle strength of the joints. Kinesitherapy exercises include range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises, endurance exercises, group exercises, and water exercises.

  • Joint range of motion exercises: The presence of pathologies on the joint surface, spasms in the muscles surrounding the joint, and the presence of free bodies in the joint cause a decrease in the range of motion of the joints. Joint range of motion exercises are performed to help the range of motion of the joint return to normal.
  • Muscle strengthening exercises: The purpose of muscle strengthening exercises is to increase muscle strength. Progressive resistance weight exercises are divided into three groups as isometric exercises and isokinetic exercises.
  • Endurance exercises: The purpose of endurance exercises is to increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system and muscles.
  • Group exercises: It is an exercise program that includes people in the same age group and with the same diseases. The number of people involved in these exercises varies between 5-10 people. In this technique, the most important thing is motivation.
  • Water exercises: It is a treatment method applied for people who have more difficulty in moving and have severe pain. It is carried out in water. As it is easier to move in the water and the load on the joints is reduced, the person recovers more easily.

Can you increase height with kinesitherapy?

Height is one of the important factors that can change from person to person and determine the general character of each individual. It is thought that tall people attract more attention than short people. This can cause a lack of confidence in short people. Unfortunately, this negatively affects a person’s daily life.

Many different methods are tried to increase height. One of them is height increase surgery and the other is height extension exercises. Because lengthening surgery is a very painful process, people tend to do more height extension exercises. With these exercises, it may be possible to increase a few inches in height. However, there is no clear information about kinesitherapy height increase. People can contribute to their height growth with some methods that they can apply in their daily life. If people want to increase their height, they should definitely do the following:

  • get enough sleep
  • Regular exercise and sports
  • have a correct posture
  • Balanced diet
  • strengthen the immune system
