What are hijama points in women? What are the hijama zones and benefits for gynecological diseases?

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Cupping, which is among the traditionally accepted alternative medicine methods, is a treatment method also known as cupping therapy. This process is carried out under the control of the state within the scope of a regulation published by the Ministry of Health. Hijama treatment, which can be applied by experts, in centers that have been adequately sterilized, or at home, should be performed by people approved by the Ministry of Health. Otherwise, it can cause serious consequences up to death.

What are hijama points in women?

Special areas for cupping points have not been determined for women, but cupping is not recommended for women who are in their menstrual period. Since the hijama process is the process of removing a certain amount of blood from the body, it is considered inconvenient. Since a woman in her menstrual period enters a period where she loses blood regularly, it is not considered correct to also be exposed to cupping during this period. In this direction, hijama is not applied to women who are in their menstrual period.

Special points have not been determined as hijama zones for gynecological diseases. However, there may be some special conditions for women regarding the hijama process due to the menstrual cycle of women. According to the researches and scientific studies, the cupping points for women’s menstrual irregularity are determined as the foot area and the coccyx area. It is accepted that the cupping treatment applied to the inner part of the ankle is good for menstrual irregularity.

The most important feature of the benefits of hijama in women can be listed as being good for menstrual irregularity, preventing early menopause, increasing fertility by balancing estrogen and progesterone hormones. As a result of regular and appropriate cupping, the effects of menopause are reduced and complaints are almost never felt. In addition, women who want to have a comfortable pregnancy period can also apply hijama before becoming pregnant.

Can pregnant women have hijama treatment?

One of the complaints that hijama is considered to be beneficial is the situation of having children. It is recommended for people who want to have a child to have hijama treatment during the treatment processes related to this issue or alternatively, if the doctor deems it appropriate. The reasons for new mothers to have hijama treatment is to increase breast milk. Apart from being used to get pregnant, it is also a method used before and after pregnancy.

If hijama is to be applied during pregnancy, it should never be done within three months of pregnancy. Otherwise, it is thought that there may be difficulties in the attachment of the fetus and it should not be put at risk. From the fourth or sixth months of pregnancy, hijama can be applied upon the approval of the doctor. It has been accepted that hijama, which is applied in many countries and accepted as a treatment in various parts of the world, is also suitable for forty-day-old babies. If there is a doctor’s approval depending on different complaints, hijama is also applied for babies and children.
