"We must not erase Depardieu" : our readers react to the news

the foreign press comments on the fracture of French cinema

What if Macron didn’t want a dolphin?

Eric Debray, Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine)

Gabriel Attal had barely been appointed Prime Minister when the question of Emmanuel Macron’s succession arose. Some commentators even present him as the dolphin designated by the head of state. However, one observation stands out: for forty years, no outgoing president has demonstrated a crazy desire to see a candidate from his camp succeed him, as if everyone wanted, consciously or not, to remain the only President of the Republic from the party whose he comes from. By appointing Attal to Matignon, Emmanuel Macron undoubtedly succeeded in a three-cushion billiards move: “burning” an ambitious young man while sowing discord and making obsolete the other contenders for the supreme office, notably Edouard Philippe, Gérald Darmanin and Bruno The mayor. (“Gabriel Attal Prime Minister: Emmanuel Macron, the secrets of his decision“, L’Express of January 11.)

Depardieu, the man and the work

Alain Toncourt, Largentière (Ardèche)

Yes, Gérard Depardieu is rude, vulgar, excessive, and if he is found guilty of rape, he will have to be condemned like any citizen. No more no less. Art is not a “totem” of immunity. However, the presumption of guilt is not acceptable. However, to date, unless I am mistaken, three complaints have been investigated. Let us wait as calmly as possible for the judgments. Our justice is based on the principle of adversarial proceedings and everyone has the right to defend themselves. In any case, we should not “erase Depardieu”, especially since a film is a collective work. To erase The Valseuses, for example, a brilliant work in my humble opinion (but I understand that it could be considered disturbing), it would also erase (partially): Bertrand Blier, Patrick Dewaere, Miou-Miou, Isabelle Huppert, Jeanne Moreau, Brigitte Fossey… Between others. Let us condemn the man (if applicable), but respect his work. (“Family meals put to the test by the Depardieu affair: “There is a real generational divide”, L’Express of January 4.)

Faced with the Houthis, where is France?

Pierre Maufroy, La Salvetat-sur-Agout (Hérault)

The United States and the United Kingdom are bombing the Houthis, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands. But what is France doing outside of this coalition? Why does it not respond, or very little, when its frigate in the Red Sea is the subject of air and sea attacks? Let the Houthis destroy the ship and Macron will undoubtedly apologize – since he excels in this area – both to the families of the victim sailors and to the belligerents for having been where he was not supposed to, for having made a bad choice somehow. (“In Yemen, fear of escalation after repeated strikes against the Houthis“, on Lexpress.fr)

Night and fog in The Hague

Sylvain Foulquier, Niort (Deux-Sèvres)

“Woe to the generation whose judges deserve to be judged!” can we read in the Talmud. The Hague court trial is a trial against the victims of a crime against humanity, and this trial itself is a disgrace to humanity. In fact, a large part of the international community is currently complicit in the atrocities committed against Jews, Armenians and other martyred populations. But what is the negation of reality? It is a negation of the lives of others – and the negation of the lives of others is the very essence of barbarism. (“Israel accused of genocide: how the Jewish state intends to defend itself“, on Lexpress.fr)

Pessimism in the news

Hervé Mousty, Orcet (Puy-de-Dôme)

Of course, this is not a question of refusing to see the difficulties that lie ahead of us, but I would have appreciated a cover like “2024, twelve opportunities and twelve perils”. L’Express has all the skills and means to bring hope to the future. Maybe in a future issue? (“Twelve dangers that threaten 2024“, L’Express of January 4.)

Geopolitics told through gastronomy!

The “borscht” battle between Ukraine and Russia, the conflict in the Middle East over the origin of hummus, “bubble tea”, this improbable weapon of Taiwan against Beijing… For several weeks, L’Express has launched a new column on its website to explore geopolitics through the prism of gastronomy. A way to tell the little or big story behind our foods, dishes or chefs around the world. Powerful instrument of soft power, A societal and cultural marker, food is the founding element of our civilizations. Because, as Bossuet already stated in the 17th century, “it is at the table that we govern”! Find it every weekend on our site and our app.
