Watford-Warwick group sells hearts and flowers for Ukraine

Watford Warwick group sells hearts and flowers for Ukraine

Members of the Watford-Warwick Horticultural Society will be selling crocheted hearts and sunflowers in the weeks ahead to raise money for humanitarian relief for residents of Ukraine.

The group, whose goal is to improve the community by enhancing the local landscape, were getting ready for spring when images coming from the war in Ukraine spurred them to action.

“As (the group) began to sow seeds anticipating the beauty they would bring to the people and neighbourhood, (we) were saddened by the reports of devastation and tragedy affecting people suffering in Ukraine,” said horticultural society member Holly Watson.

“Well, seeing the news is just heartbreaking,” added secretary Peg Fraczyk. “Then I saw a news report of a lady in Kitchener who was knitting and selling her things to raise money for Ukraine. And I thought it was a good idea. We didn’t end up doing the same thing, but we came up with our own idea.”

Horticultural society members put a call out to the community for volunteers who could sew and crochet to help them make some blue and yellow-coloured hearts and flowers. Twenty people responded and in short order the group had stock of approximately 235 crocheted sunflowers and 250 crocheted sunflowers, Ukraine’s national flower.

“The background organization is much more than we realized – we ended up asking volunteers to do the knitting and crocheting and … they did a phenomenal job,” Fraczyk said. “Now we’ve got to sell all those things they made for us.”
“It was hard getting yellow and blue yarn, because everyone is getting those colors now,” added president Lucy Buttery.
For $5, residents wanting to support Ukraine through the Canadian Red Cross for Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis can pick up either a heart or a sunflower at one of a number of participating businesses across Watford and Warwick Township (including Homestead Restaurant, the Watford Legion, McLaren Pharmacy , Style at Home, Jeg’s, BMO, Dollar Haven and Brookside Retirement).

Buttery said many residents wanted to show their support for Ukraine but didn’t know how best to do it. The horticultural society’s sale is a small but meaningful gesture of support, she said.

“A lot of people want to help,” she said. “Our concern is we’re not usually open as a store, so it’s a case of giving people the opportunity to find them. It was great to have all these local businesses agree to carry them.”

The Watford-Warwick Horticultural Society will also be selling crocheted sunflowers and hearts from their 5306 Nauvoo Rd. headquarters on April 22 from 10 am to 2 pm All money from the sales will go to the Canadian Red Cross for Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis. Donations will also be accepted at that time.

For more information, visit the Watford-Warwick Horticultural Society Facebook page.
