Waterford residents ‘shocked’ by slaying of 90-year-old-woman

1676617358 Waterford residents shocked by slaying of 90 year old woman

People in Waterford are shocked by the homicide death of a 90-year-old woman.

Ontario Provincial Police vehicles remained outside a Mechanic Street West home on Thursday as officers continued their investigation into the death of Marlene Wilson.

Police have been at the home since the woman was found dead inside the residence at just after 8 am Sunday, February 12.

“It’s shocking. It’s jarring. You just don’t expect it,” said Laura Truman, who lives next door to the home. “You hear about the passing of someone and leave the family to privacy in their grievance.

“But when a bunch of OPP cars and vans start rolling up you realize there’s more to this story. It’s been a very surreal experience.”

A post-mortem conducted Tuesday deemed the woman’s death to be a homicide.

Police said in a press release earlier this week that they believed there to be no threat to public safety but appealed to the public to come forward with any information that may assist investigators.

“It appears to be an isolated incident. She did live in the residence, and she did live with family.” Norfolk OPP Const. Ed Sanchuk said on Thursday, adding that there are no suspects in custody.

Few other details have been released by police.

Residents in the small town of 3,123 people, located in Norfolk County about 28 kilometers south of Brantford, are perplexed by the lack of information.

“For (police) to be so tight-lipped, there is obviously more to this story,” Truman observed. “It’s something that’s impacting the community, and it’s natural to be curious and concerned when something like this happens in a community like Waterford.”

She said her neighbors moved into the home late last year “but no one really saw them or who they were.”

Doug and Marian Howard were out for a walk on Mechanic Street West early Thursday afternoon, where they saw about a half-dozen police vehicles stationed.

“It’s a shock. We’re not used to hearing anything like that,” said Marian. “I didn’t know who lived there anymore. I didn’t see anybody out and about.”

Her husband Doug, age 68, who has lived in Waterford his entire life, described the circumstances as “weird.”

“Police have been there since Sunday,” he noted. “It’s strange that they’re asking for the public’s help, but nobody’s in danger. Nothing adds up when they say all that.”

[email protected]


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