Walborg celebrations in Stockholm | SVT News

During the evening, the police will be at the places where the Walpurgis celebrations take place.

– There are allocated resources where we know people will gather, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson at the police.

Places for Walborg celebrations

  • In Akalla village, market stalls will be set up and spring speeches will be held. The bonfire will be lit at 21.00.
  • Scouts arrange Walborg for the whole family in Bandängen’s park play. With coffee, scout activities and a bonfire that is lit at 8 p.m. after a torchlight procession.
  • Music and coffee are offered in Hägersten at Klubbensborg. The bonfire is lit at 8.45 pm by the water.
  • Walborg is also celebrated at Nyckelvikens Herrgård and the bonfire is lit at 8.30 pm.
  • Source: Visit Stockholm
