Vivenda, a concession for technical sponsorship of 9 nine seats of the port authorities

Ecomembrane closing of the sale of rights on a photovoltaic

(Finance) – Vivenda Groupleading advertising dealership in the out of home advertising sector and listed on Euronext Growth Milan, has signed a contract for a technical sponsorship project with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – General Command of the Corps of Port Authorities. The agreement provides for the conservative restoration of nine public and architectural public properties, with interventions aimed at the protection of heritage and urban enhancement.

Vivise will fully finance the restoration of public properties, subsequently generating revenues through the sale of advertising spaces on the scaffolding of the buildings, which will be managed by the subsidiary Vivise Works. The project will affect the restorations of nine seats of the port authorities located along the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian and island coasts, involving different Italian regions. In line with the business model relating to the activities of so -called “sponsored restoration”, the initiative will be financed entirely by the group, Without any cost for the public administration. The project will last about 24 months, including the times for assembly and disassembly of the scaffolding.

“With this project we confirm our commitment in urban regeneration through an innovative model, which combines restoration and advertising enhancement, without weighing on the public coffers – said theTo Filippo Cirrincione – Thanks to the integration of sustainable technologies, we transform OOH advertising into an engine for building redevelopment, consolidating our role as leader in the sector “.
