Vital Kamerhe reveals the contours of his future presidency of the National Assembly

Vital Kamerhe reveals the contours of his future presidency of

Vital Kamerhe is preparing to take over the presidency of the National Assembly. His victory during the primaries on Tuesday April 23, where he beat two of his colleagues from the Sacred Union, opens the way to the perch. In private as in public, he began to outline the contours of his future presidency.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

Vital Kamerhe, who was already president of the National Assembly from 2006 to 2009, positions himself as a key ally of the head of state, while promising a rigorous and methodical approach. He insists on the constitutional role of the National Assembly as the second institution of the Republic, which he intends to revitalize so that it better fulfills its mission of controlling the government, which he recalls is the fourth institution.

Vital Kamerhe rejects all forms of flattery and presents himself as the catalyst for the promises and vision of Felix Tshisekedi. He emphasizes that the mission of the Assembly is not to hold President Tshisekedi accountable, but rather to scrutinize the actions of ministers.

Reinforced control over government action

Thus, he plans to strengthen government control, specifying that the failings of ministers should not reflect on the president. He promises weekly executive monitoring sessions, during which ministers will be convened by sector to assess the implementation of the government program. He also emphasizes the importance of access to reports from the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) for the National Assembly, in order to guarantee increased transparency and accountability in public management.

Will this posture be enough to appease those who accuse him of using this position as a springboard for his presidential ambitions? People close to Félix Tshisekedi prefer to wait to see his action before passing judgment.

Read alsoDRC: Vital Kamerhe nominated candidate of the Sacred Union for the presidency of the National Assembly
