Viktor Orbán denounces a Europe “already at indirect war with Russia”.

Viktor Orban denounces a Europe already at indirect war with

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered his traditional state of the nation address in Budapest this Saturday, February 18. An annual exercise in self-satisfaction for the nationalist leader, in front of hundreds of faithful. In power for twelve years, Mr. Orbán welcomed the success of his policy. He also spoke at length about the war raging in Ukraine, a country bordering Hungary. The only European to behave as an ally of Vladimir Putin, he has once again shown the gap which separates him from the other heads of government in the EU.

With our correspondent in Budapest, Florence La Bruyere

Europe is indirectly at war with Russia, says Viktor Orbán. According to him, there are two camps: that of the Westerners, supporters of war, and that of peace, of which he would be the sole representative.

He is indeed the only European leader to advocate an immediate ceasefire. Even if Russia retains the territories it has annexed to its Ukrainian neighbor.

According to the supporters of the war, it is by making Russia capitulate that peace will return. We say we need an immediate ceasefire. Only with a ceasefire can lives be saved.

Mr. Orbán also spoke at length about the primary concern of Hungarians: inflation, which has reached 25%, and even 45% for food products. This is the highest rate in Europe.

In his eyes, it is Brussels’ sanctions against Russia that generate inflation. ” Brussels, he said, uses sanctions as a political weapon to target Russia. But it is Europe that they are hurting! The sanctions deprived the Hungarians of 4 trillion forints. Instead of fighting against Hungary, Brussels would do better to fight inflation! »

To support the purchasing power of Hungarians, the Prime Minister has promised additional aid to families and pensioners.

►To re-read: Hungary: the United States ambassador “persona non grata” to the government of Viktor Orbán
