USA, June import prices -0.2%, export prices -0.9%

Euro zone February current account surplus rises to 24 billion

(Finance) – Import-export prices are decreasing in June 2023. According to findings from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the import prices marked a negative change on month by 0.2%, lower than consensus (-0.1%), after +0.4% in May (revised from a preliminary figure of -0.6%).

Every year, import prices recorded a variation of -6.1%. Net of oil imports, prices recorded a change of -0.4% on the month.

THE export prices reported a decrease of 0.9% on monthafter the -1.9% of the previous month and against the -0.2% of the consensus.

On year the figure shows a decrease of 12%. Excluding agricultural products, month-on-month export prices recorded -0.9% month-on-month.

(Photo: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash)
