Unrest among residents Utrecht residential care center remains, even now that the renovation has been completed

Renovation noise drives residents of care flat Utrecht to despair

According to Koedoot, the renovation was badly needed. “The outdated building had to be future-proof and made sustainable and that was unaffordable for us as a care center Vecht en IJssel, so we started looking for other constructions, so that the location did not have to be closed.” Vecht en IJssel teamed up with Estea, a real estate company that specializes in the development of healthcare real estate. Petra of the Fliert of Estea. “We have asked Vecht en IJssel to take on the relocation plan, because Vecht en IJssel knows the residents personally.” This made the Vecht en IJssel care center also responsible for communication and information towards the residents in the sheltered homes. “Normally that would not be the case, because it concerns independent residents who rent from owner Estea,” says Koedoot.
