United States: the army validates the use of AI to assist pilots

United States the army validates the use of AI to

Darpa wants to equip its helicopter pilots with augmented reality helmets. The announced project will use artificial intelligence to analyze the situation in real time and assist the pilot with common tasks or unexpected events.

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Pilot a helicopter is a complex task, and even more so for military pilots who often have to deal with unforeseen events. To help them, the company Northrop Grumman just announced a partnership with Darpa, the military technology research agency. Their project is a artificial intelligence to assist UH-60 Black Hawk pilots, among others.

The pilots of these helicopters Assault aircraft must fly by sight and by instruments simultaneously, in close proximity to enemy buildings, terrain, people and systems. They must integrate a multitude of information at the same time, which generates a significant cognitive cost, so much so that they can miss warning signals.

An AI in an augmented reality headset

According to Erin Cherry, project manager at Northrop Grumman, the goal of AI is “ to teach new tasks, recognize and reduce errors, improve task execution time and, above all, avoid catastrophic events “. Concretely, the program will use a reality headset augmented so that the AI ​​can display graphical or textual information in a useful way to the pilot.

The helmet will also contain sensors so that the AI ​​can analyze both the instruments of the helicopter than the terrain around, know what the pilot perceives and knows, and attract his attention or provide additional information. It should thus be able to simplify the pilot’s work and help him develop new skills.

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