Unicredit takes note of the EU 2023 transparency exercise

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(Finance) – UniCredit takes note of the announcements made today by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) regarding information from the 2023 EU Transparency exercise, based on decisions made by the EBA Supervisory Board.

The EBA Supervisory Board – reads a note – has approved the 2023 transparency exercise, which since 2016 has been carried out annually and published at the same time as the Risk Assessment Report (RAR). The annual transparency exercise is based exclusively on COREP / FINREP data in order to ensure a sufficient and adequate level of information to market players.
The templates were compiled centrally by the EBA and subsequently sent to banks and supervisory authorities for verification. Banks had the opportunity to correct any errors, then submit the corrected data through the usual reporting channels and add specific information as required to further clarify the data.

The 2023 financial year uses the reference dates of September 30 and December 31, 2022, March 30 and June 30, 2023.
