Ukraine, the humanitarian mission of the Bellisario Foundation starts

Ukraine the humanitarian mission of the Bellisario Foundation starts

(Finance) – Will leave today for Lviv there humanitarian mission promoted by the Marisa Bellisario Foundation with the support of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Association led in Italy by Stefano Lucchini.

“Italy is doing a lot and well – he declares Lella Golfo, President of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation – for the refugees who have arrived here but we have also decided to take up the appeal of the many women who have returned to Ukraine who asked us for immediate and concrete support. In a week we managed the miracle of filling an entire truck with baby food, powdered milk, pasta, clothes, diapers, toys and medicines for the children. A real solidarity competition that saw the members of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation from all over Italy as protagonists and the precious contribution of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia Association, Colors for Peace, Croce Verde di Lucca, Sicily by car, Auser di Lucca and VitaUkr with Let’s do it Ukraine / Italy. I will leave myself to deliver the result of our collection to the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi, trusting that it will give a little relief to an exhausted population. Women and children are the first and most fragile victims of war and we could not stand by and watch them suffer from hunger and cold “.
