Ukraine starts 2023 as it ended 2022, under Russian strikes

Ukraine starts 2023 as it ended 2022 under Russian strikes

No truce for the new year: Ukraine suffered a new series of bombardments on Saturday December 31, followed by a new series of explosions just after the transition to the year 2023.

Thirty minutes after the passage in 2023, Russian missiles fell on two districts of kyiv, shared the mayor of the city Vitali Klitschko. ” It’s their way of wishing us a happy new year but we will persevere said Oleskiy Kouleba, the governor of the Kyiv region.

These Russian strikes caused at least one death and around thirty injuries, which did not prevent President Zelensky from promising that his country will fight until the ” victoire “.

Several localities in the country were affected during the series of bombings : in particular the city of Mykolaiv in the south, and that of Khmenlnytskyï in the west of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian General Staff, twenty cruise missiles were fired by bombers from the Caspian Sea, and twelve of them were intercepted by anti-aircraft defense.

Wishes from Vladimir Putin

Almost at the same time, Russians in the Far East could listen New Year’s Greetings by Vladimir Putin. The Russian President, standing alongside soldiers who had fought in Ukraine and whom he had just decorated, assured them that the ” moral and historical correctness was on the side of their country. ” This is what we are fighting for today, said Vladimir Putin, among others, to protect our people in our historical territories, in the new entities of Russia “.

► To read also: In Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the masks have fallen

(And with AFP)
